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This is how they treat a groom-to-be in Norway, there's no tied to a lampost naked handcuffed to a monkey (maybe that comes later), instead they trick him into thinking he's doing a huge bungee when he's just jumping off into a paddling pool.

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Holy crap! What have they done! What have they done! They've practised the dark arts and opened the gates of hell, we'll be swarming in demons because of these fools! Oh no hang on, it's just the mixing together of chemicals NH4Cr2O7 with HgSCN.

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The European Union can be confusing even for the European countries who are in it, no one really understands how it works, it's like a mystery inside an enigma wrapped in side Inception. But this video valiantly tries to explain the unexplainable.

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We all know that feminists are men hating, makeup hating, haters, right? Amirite? RIGHT!? Yeah, of course they are because why else would they want equality. So buck up your ideas ladies and follow this tutorial if you want to be taken seriously when you're making a sammich for your husband.

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It's summer, it's hot, you want to be making yourself endless slushie after slushie until your mouth freezes over and you can finally have some relief from the relentless heat — and this tutorial shows you how to make them out of Coca-Cola using magic.

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Rory McIlroy is an excellent golfer, one who has beaten just about every human being on earth, so what next for this exemplary player? Well, it's time to stop going up against flesh and blood and do battle with the machines instead. You never know, one day we may need to settle a battle this way.

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Sure, Will Smith might be ready for aliens, but are you ready for aliens? Is the rest of the human race ready for aliens? And not just in the sense of do we have sufficient technology to contact them but will we be culturally prepared for grave robbers from outer space?

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Only drunks and maniacs get into street fights, but should you find yourself confronted with either, there's no need to even throw a punch, instead win the battle simply by ducking and diving their punches. And here's how you do it.

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Meet James Arnold Taylor, a prolific voice-actor who doubles for many celebrities in film, TV, video games and animation — so naturally he also does a stage show using his talents to entertain and make with the lulz. In this performance he links 95 different celebrities and cartoon characters, starting with his own voice.

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He's back, with his adorable two year old daughter and the hilarious fully grown man who re-enacts her conversations. This time his "daughter" doesn't want to finish getting dressed and instead she wants to read a story instead. And what a story it is.

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The internet deserves a pat on the back for this one, fulfilling the dreams of many as Academy Award-winner Morgan Freeman reads out the children's book Everybody Poops. OK, it isn't really Morgan Freeman, but comedian and impressionist Joseph Scales but it sounds just like him — and that'll do.

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If you're a fan of Simon Bisley's intricate and detailed art then you'll be pleased to hear he has a new comic coming out, and it looks all set to be a nice bloody page turner, full of heads being lobbed off and other grisly Bisley fun.

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Taking the Pixar lamp logo as its starting point, this neat little animation from a group of Reddit users sums up nicely and succinctly what the NSA have been doing to the American public without their consent for the last few years.

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Why should you be so excited about a cart even though you're a grown up and toys are for kids? Well, basically because it's an electric manoeuvre in any direction and it looks exactly like a cart from Mario Kart but writ real. SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!!

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Um, wow. So this is really a movie and centres around a freak hurricane that swamps Los Angeles, bringing with it thousands of sharks to terrorize the waterlogged people of LA and baffle the world with its stupidity.

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