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Monday Morning Dump (external)
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Summer's here (at last) and now that we've all got used to that yellow disk in the sky radiating heat and other caner-inducing particles, we suddenly realise it's not the best weather for surfing the interwebs. B4 you melt, here are some pics.

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Astronaut Karen Nyberg's morning routine isn't quite the same as those of us on earth, as a crew member of Expedition 36, the current long-duration mission aboard the International Space Station, washing her hair means it ends up looking like a troll dolls.

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You might find yourself puking up a rainbow this is so damn cute, because not only does it feature kittens, but it features kittens sleeping and doing little dance-type movements while they're in the land of slumber. All together now "Awwwwww".

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Not again. You've lost the remote control and your keys and your phone, all in about the space of five minutes — for the 100th time today! All this idiocy could change though with a proposed new app which uses Bluetooth tags to attach to objects which can then be located by your phone.

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This GTA 4 mod brings Woody into the violent world of Liberty City and he isn't shy when it comes to wreaking havoc — plus, every time someone dies or there's a massive, destructive explosion, Woody just creepily keeps on smiling that Joker-like smile.

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The Jeopardy host has been teetering on the edge for quite a while now, slowly losing his mind to the world around him, and now has he finally been given that last push, to send him falling into the unknown? Have a watch and make up your own mind.

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So, if light is the fastest thing, and a constant, in the universe, how can galaxies travel faster than it? It seems like a bit of a conundrum, so allow Deep Astronomy to go some way to answering if for you.

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This is what every school child needs as their study aid, relaying the narrative before diving in for some deeper analysis and looking over the themes of this classic novel, breaking down the metaphors and shit yo.

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Most of us are messy when it comes to shovelling food and drink into our mouths, spilling it all down our clothes like degenerates, but thanks to this product, food stains could be a thing of the past. It's a superhydrophobic spray-on coating that repels water, mud, ice and other liquids.

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Pretty much everyone would like to drive around in a flying car or bike, but so far a mass-produced flying vehicle has eluded science. That's not to say they haven't tried, take a look at this latest attempt, which has six propellers, two at the front, another two at the back and one on each side, that allow it to fly.

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Journey around the rooftops of Cambridge in the UK taking in the views as you get a POV of James Kingston leaping and bounding as he swiftly makes he way across the city in a less conventional way than your average citizen. Show off.

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It's time to journey to the weird part of the internet once more and wave goodbye to your sanity with a very catchy tune whose video features people flying around on giant pigeons and a guy in a turtle neck dancing like a robot.

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Folding shirts, or in fact anything, is a total pain in the ass and you end up just screwing the garment up in frustration and throwing it into your wardrobe in a rage-fuelled strop out. But with this handy video you can teach yourself to fold in 2 seconds - like a boss.

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What we can take away from this is, if you're a reporter interviewing an NBA star after a basketball game, then expect their team mates to video bomb them when you're asking the post-game questions. And we can also tale away from this that Chris Bosh is the don.

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You find closet nerds in the most unusual places, take the Oakland Raiders punter's Chris Kluwe for example — not the first person you'd think might be a massive WoW fan, but here he reveals to Conan that he loves nothing more.

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