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When it comes to dads, hearing them rap is about as cringeworthy as it gets, most kids would rather slice off their own ears than have to sit through such embarrassment, but not this dad, this dad's a total badass. He could rap with Jay-Z.

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Soccer may be a popular sport, practised and adored by millions worldwide, but it pales into nothing compared to the might of Bubble Soccer, where you get to run around inside a giant bubble and knock your opponents to the ground.

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Forget about CoD or the new GTA, this is where it's at when it comes to cutting edge gaming: Robot Vacuum Simulator 2013 is the only simulation game in the world that puts the player in the shoes of a roomba. This sequel to last year's title gives you first-person control of the bot in a 3D landscape, cleaning up as you go.

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Even the highly trained expertise of professional comedians can crack when performing, and here is everyone from Will Ferrell to Jimmy Fallon — especially Jimmy Fallon — corpsing during a scene. It's actually sometimes funnier than the sketch they're performing.

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BE AFRAID!!! Just the name of this band may remind you of all that terrible 90s Eurodance trash you had to endure, but (un)fortunately the Vengaboys are back and they've brought this new single along with them. OK, so it might be bad, but at least the video's watchable.

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Ever wondered how the placebo effect works? No? Well no one cares what you think — it's a phenomenon that spans the healing powers of Stonehenge to administering placebo drugs to modern day patients. And only now has science begun to understand why it works.

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The One hasn't really been up to much lately, unless you count sitting around looking forlorn eating a sandwich a career, but now he's back along with 47 samurai who are without a master. Yay Mr Anderson! We've missed you.

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OK kids, it's time to go through the wormhole with Morgan Freeman and some other guy, let's call him Mr Universe — together they inform us that using negative energy us earthlings can create a wormhole and potentially travel between different universes. Much better than a trip to Disney World.

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Here it is, the trailer for the next instalment of the Hunger Games, it's beaming from the internet right into your home to rock your world to the very core and get you all excited and that ready to go and spend top dollar watching it at the cinema in November. Or spend no dollar torrenting it.

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Grasshoppper is Space X's experimental reusable rocket launching system, one that they'll eventually be using for private space travel. In this test launch the system flew 325m (1066 feet) into the air, which is higher than the Chrysler Building in New York and managed a smooth landing back on the pad too.

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Drug Policy Alliance's executive director, Ethan Nadelmann, pwns the hell out of Asa Hutchinson, the former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Chief, in this debate about marijuana legalization at the Aspen Institute on July 1, 2013. Then they all go for pizza and ice-cream.

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What have Honda ever done for us? Well, turns out quite a lot actually and this two minute film reveals what innovations the Honda engineers have achieved over the past 65 years, all demonstrated in the palm of a hand.

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For Comic Con Wired magazine created an incredibly detailed 9 foot 9 inch Mech with four arms to make he geeks go insane with glee, and Adam Savage from Mythbusters announced its arrival. So be afraid, because human extinction is close.

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Guys don't go to Comic Con to see and hear the celebrities talk about their new movies, or to geek out and meet the stars of their favorite TV show — they may go there under that pretence but the real reason they go there is in this video.

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This is magician Andy Gross and he lives up to his name Comedian, by doing an amazing trick that involves cutting himself in half do he can scare the crap out of people as he walks around the streets cut in half.

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