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Sherlock Holmes is... Julian Assange, in a terrible wig as the Wikileaks story gets dramatized and Hollywoodized so it'll probably involve aliens at some point and maybe even killer robots sent from the future to destroy us. Let's hope so anyway.

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Foster The People's track "Houdini" gets an unusual cover in this one take version which sees household objects, like wine glasses, get used as musical instruments in this inventive take on stepping out of our car and walking into your home.

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Social media may not need an entire institute of higher learning dedicated to it, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't happen — what if you want to perfect your pout for the optimum selfie? Or are confused about the rules of the hashtag on Twitter and Instagram?

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If you've ever worked in customer service then you'll know how horrible it is, having to listen to the human race whine at you about their petty rubbish will teach you how to hate like nothing before or since. Be afraid, be very, very afraid.

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Here's what happens when memes meet, as Overly Attached Girlfriend goes on a blind date and ends up with Bad Luck Brian sitting across the table from her. Thankfully their meeting didn't cause a rupture in the space-time continuum or cause the internet to implode.

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Jimmy Fallon does the seemingly impossible and gets NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams to rap, and not just any old rap, but he starts laying down the lyrics to Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch's hit "Good Vibrations." If he ever gives up on the news, then a career in hip-hop awaits.

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Is there anything this webslinger can't do? Not content to go around saving New York from the tyranny of evil master crims like the Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus, he's now taking down innocent civilians with a bit of one-on-one basketball.

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Everyone wants to burn off calories, but no one likes to actually do it because it means you have to do some exercise like go for a run or sweat it out down the gym. But there are other, weirder, ways you can burn off some calories, like the examples in this video.

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This insane contraption, the AeroVelo Atlas Human-Powered Helicopter captured the long standing AHS Sikorsky Prize, which began in 1980 and has been going ever since, with a flight lasting 64.1 seconds and reaching an altitude of 3.3 metres. WANT!

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Don't worry if you're not keeping totally up to date on what's going down on Vine, the internet's got your back, compiling the best ones from the month into one handy video. That way you can be busy watching other important compilation, like the best fails for instance.

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Cutest kid ever? From the minute this Redditor's daughter, called Yerin, started to walk she playfully fled from him while he chased her, but then one day she decides the game is over, no more will she run from dad. They grow up so fast, don't they?

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Imagine, for a moment, what would be happening down on earth if the Universal Studios intro was real, when those words wrapped their way around the globe, a giant shadow would be cast, terrifying the populace. Just like in this video.

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You've been to Seaworld, you've seen the killer whales leaping majestically through the air partnering perfectly with their trainers, but they don't have the prefix "killer" for nothing. This film explores the duality of these sea beasts, how they can be both vicious killers and friendly giants.

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Ever wondered what a cat sounds like in Korean? Or a cow in French? No? Well, that doesn't matter because you will care once you start watching this video which shows how different languages interpret animal sounds.

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Don't be alarmed and don't run for the hills just yet, it's just a wirelessly controlled bio-inspired octopod robot made with high resolution 3D printed parts. Just to prove that when the singularity hits, the arachnophobes won't be safe either.

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