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In this test some of the greatest analogue super cars in the history of automobiles are brought together — sure they might be a little difficult to drive but they reward you amply for it. Behold as the McLaren F1 goes up against the Ferrari F40 and F50, Porsche Carrera GT, Noble M600, Pagani Zonda F and Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SV.

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Cats, they pretty much are the internet minus a few other things and the proof of that is their ability to go viral like nothing else, completely unequalled by other subjects, and now they have their own profiles series which chronicles their rise to meme fame. In this episode meet Colonel Meow.

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For some reason some people on the internet have a real hatred for girl geeks, trolling them, hating them, being dicks about them, so they've all joined forces for this retaliation video to show the haters some geekhood solidarity.

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Artist Peter Han works in the game industry and here he reveals his technique he calls "Dynamic Sketching", where he breaks down objects to their most basic geometric shapes so they can then be applied to all manner of different objects and forms.

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In a completely believable storyline, this movie features a girl who, in order to pay off some debt accrued by her dead grandfather, enrols her gorilla (which she has cos she worked in the circus, duh!) in the Korean Baseball League where, of course, he's a sensation.

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Meet Danny Perasa and his wife Annie (in cartoon form anyway) who recount their twenty-seven-year romance. It's a touching, heartfelt story about their lives together, from first dates to death *sniff* — yeah, sure, you got something in your eye, me too.

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Toyota made a bikini commercial and it just so happened that the star of the commercial was androgynous male model "Stav Strashko", and it seems to have upset someone at the advertising standards authority who might be a bit confused about their sexuality, cos they banned it, even though there's no bewbs.

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Adverts in foreign languages always seem weird mainly because you can't understand a word of what's going on, but this batch from South Korea are especially bizarre — not sure what they're feeding the ad execs over there but it seems to be a little more than just bourbon.

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The problem with old photos is, they were never in color, so if you have some snaps of great grandparents and other relatives you never get the exact feel for the time because you're missing an integral element. But with Photoshop and some skillz you can remedy that situation, just like this guy.

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There's been quite a few Jaws movies over the years, but the question you have to ask yourself is: has there been enough? These guys don't seem to think so, especailly if we are ever to see the arrival of the Hoverboard from Back to the Future become a reality - so they've come up with a few more ideas for some more sequels to get it upto the magical '19' mark.

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Septimus Signus, from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, on the advice of Hermaeus Mora decides to ring around some local libraries to see if they possess an Elder Scroll, and funnily enough they don't respond too kindly to him, instead they think he's a bit strange.

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The theme 'Enjoy Your Life featured at the 2013 domino world record event, and this is this skilled domino setups that were on display — no matter how technologically advanced we get, we'll all still be fascinated by watching colored tiles fall over in spiral patterns.

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You may think of Mumford & Sons as a bunch of upper class toffs playing at being down and out country bumpkins, and that's pretty much how they see themselves, if this video is anything to go by. Why wait for others to parody you when you can do it yourself?

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Missed out on Breaking Bad? Or just need a quick recap for season 1 to 5 before the big finale? And you want it recapped in song? By middle schoolers? Well then today is your lucky day, as YouTube's Geek Week makes it so.

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Just because someone's blind doesn't mean they can't enjoy what the internets has to offer, and if you ever wondered just how someone with limited sight can surf the web, they use a screen magnifier, as Sameer Doshi explains.

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