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No one likes to be awoken from their slumber, least of all a sleeping baby—but just because you’re a little infant, doesn’t mean you’re going to let the culprit get away with it. And so begins an epic chase of fast and furious proportions as a disgruntled baby in a moustache chases down a speedy and cunning Motion Sync vacuum cleaner. Justice will be served! Or, at the very least, the floor will be cleaned.

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One good thing about the days slipping away and the summer being left behind is that we're edging ever closer to the day when GTA V gets released. Set in the sprawling metropolis of Los Santos, a place of self-help gurus, starlets and fading celebrities, three crims attempt the heist of a lifetime.

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Science biiitches! It's pretty clear from this audition tape by Aaron Paul that he totally owned the role of Jessie Pinkman right from the very get go, if they hadn't given him the job then it would've been a crime against humanity. Or, at least a bit daft of them.

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From Mr Excuses to Mr Football and a whole lot more, all the stereotypes you come across when playing pickup basketball are here for you to tick off — so next time you're out on the court, see if you can get a full house of stereotypes in your team.

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The synths and percussion of Crystal Castles are replaced by the voices and hands of this choir, as they perform an unusual cover version of "Untrust Us". It's so good you'll probably fall in love with it and forget the original even existed.

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A big question like "What came before the Big Bang?" can be answered by simply consulting your standard TV guide, just take a look at the scheduling and you'll see that Two and a Half Men came just before. Problem solved.

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So this guy is walking up to complete strangers and asking them to take a picture of him and his "girlfriend", but then his "ex girlfriend" rings him up on the phone and it all gets incredibly awkward, so what do you do as the stranger? Would you cover for him?

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Like whoah, like whoah whoah. Prepare to have your jaw dropped as you witness the awesomeness of some awesome BMX riders being totally awesome, pulling tricks, flying through the air like they had ET in a basket and generally being way too cool.

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Breaking Bad can be pretty intense at times, what with Walter descending into mad drug kingpin and it being about crystal meth and all, so it's nice to know that with a few edits, all that harrowment and tragedy can be lightened up into a romantic comedy.

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Be afraid, be very, very afraid of that cute-looking squirrel up in the tree, seemingly minding its own, because you never know when it might turn and start attacking your family. Yep, it's a movie about killer squirrels. It had to happen one day.

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This is a little taster of the forthcoming film Special Edition Ascent: Commemorating Space Shuttle which is a movie from the point of view of the Solid Rocket Booster, with sound mixing and enhancement done by the folks at Skywalker Sound. We have lift off!

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Whatever Harry Styles can do, YouTube comedian Lamarr Wilson can do better, and he can do it with an iPad Mini and a Mario doll, much more seductive than a flower and a moody look to camera. Harry, you better be watching cos you can learn a lot from this man.

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These creepy sculptures use a wealth of material in their construction from dolls to curved, bent and welded rods, pipes, sculls and all kinds of recovered junk. Their alien forms are like a freak show, an abstract carnival that will linger on in your mind.

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Getting passionate about football is what the game's all about, but with passion also comes temper and emotion, which can sometimes get out of control. So next time you're on the field, whether as a spectator, player or coach, remember to respect the people who are there with you. If you don't, you might find yourself face-to-face with the Football Association's secret weapon: a giant maraca-playing robot.

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This video pretty much nails YouTube, in fact it's kinda scary how totally on point it is, so if by some miracle you meet someone who has never set virtual foot on the video sharing site, show them this video and tell them to go outside for a walk instead.

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