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You may sniff at videos like this, because of course, you know everything for you are omniscient — at least you are with Google's help anyway. But there's going to be at least one of these words that you don't pronounce correctly.

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We're all familiar with the name Sarin, after the horrific attack in Syria that killed 1,400 people including children. But chances are you're not familiar with exactly how it works, so let this geekoid give you the lowdown on this grim chemical weapon.

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Drumming lvl: Asian — this kid tears this drum kit a newbie as he rains down hell upon them with his sticks, showing off and putting any adult who can play the drums and is watching this to shame. A career in a heavy metal band, or maybe Pink Floyd '2' awaits him.

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This is Tama, a male cat, and this is him diligently hunting (watching?) the theme tune to a popular Japanese drama which for some reason makes him sit up and want to act like he would do if he was stalking a small mammal out in the garden.

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Everyone's well aware that the Battle of Stalingrad was an epic moment of the Second World War when the Soviet Union fought off Nazi Germany and its allies as they attempted to take the city. It was a brutal battle fought in close quarter combat, considered the bloodiest in history, and this film shows it in all its gory.

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As pointless remakes go, this is up there with the worst of them, taking what was one of the best movies of the 80s, full of biting satire and sci-fi awesomeness and turning it into just another shitty Hollywood film.

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Who needs a crappy old camp fire when you can have: LASERS!! Much cooler to sit near and sing songs around, looking like some portal into another universe — just don't look straight at them or you'll eyes will burn, burn, BURN!

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Not only is this a weird hybrid product that merges cigarette lighter and USB drive, but it's also advertised with all the insanity you'd expect from a Japanese commercial. You won't know what's going on, but you won't be able to take your eyes off it.

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Rosh Hashanah, for those unfamiliar, is the Jewish New Year and usually results in a two day celebration. So in this video they do a special version of a Daft Punk classic, tailoring it with some custom lyrics. There's even some Jews breakdancing.

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Since the 1950s the US the World Meteorological Organization has been naming extreme storms after people. But how about a new naming system? Instead of naming them after just anyone, these people propose to name them after policy makers who deny climate change and obstruct climate policy.

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Tim Bisley and Mike Watt perform an extra special version of Daft Punk's summer jam "Get Lucky", with Tim putting on his most suave voice and Mike doing the silliest voice he can imagine. It all adds up to mega awesomeness.

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Kirk and the crew of the Starship Enterprise have seen a lot of things on their intergalactic travels, from strange alien forms to the horror of battle, but even they're not fully prepared to witness Miley Cyrus' twerking at the MTV VAs. What has been seen...

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Miss the Loveland Festival 2013 at Sloterplas, Amsterdam? Never even heard of it? Well you have now and don't worry that you missed it, because you can live vicariously and look at all the fun these people are having that you'll never, ever get to enjoy.

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Laughing at the Germans is pretty much a national pasttime in England — that and insulting the French. So this video puts Jeremy Clarkson's theory to the test that most Germans can't say the word squirrel. OK, fair enough but how about some English speakers trying to say the word "eichhörnchen" then?

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Just another typical day in Japan... one where you're being chased down a corridor by a rampaging dinosaur. In most countries pranks involve gently humiliating people at the supermarket or showing them up in the park, but in Japan, they don't mess around with petty crap like that.

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