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Three young kids are sat inside a car, waiting for one of their dads to come and drive one of them home. But dad's been toking it right up, and smoking the sticky icky, and these kids know it. From comic to contemplative they begin to mimic their dad's behavior.

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What are friends for if not to terrify you out of your fears so that you can look them in the face and become a better person? At least, that's the pretence behind this guy taking his buddy, who's afraid of flying, up in an aricraft for an aerobatics flight. But he probably just wanted to see him shit himself for lolz.

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Justin Bieber arrives in New Zealand this November, which is bad luck for New Zealanders but all is not lost, because if you can't even bear being in the same country as Bieber, help is at hand. In the greatest contest ever held, you could win tickets out of the country and away from the Belieber circus. Best.Ad.EVER!

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If you wanted to learn how to swing like Miley Cyrus in her new music video "Wrecking Ball", then look no further. You too can look as sexy as Miley does in this video, just follow the easy instructions and then watch as the world falls at your feet.

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It's probably not advisable to let a hamster be your chauffeur, especially if you happen to be driving a heavy duty truck on a cliff-face - common sense should really tell you that, but in case you did want a hamster to drive you around, let this video be a warning to you about what might happen.

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It's time to stop whatever stuff it is that you're doing, down tools, and do something far more worthwhile, which is check out the funny Vine videos of the week. Sure, doing your job is important, but watching this takes priority over everything else.

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This is pretty much the most impressive physics engine you're going to see in a driving game — with incredibly realistic driving on roads and over bumps and then when it comes to destruction, they've got that down to near perfection too

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"Oh ma gahd!" this dog's thinking, this poor cat's been run over in the road and left here to die—but as we many things, all is not as simple as it appears, instead this is more evidence to prove that cats are definitely smarter than dogs.

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Hollywood missed a trick by not getting Woody Allen to direct some of the superhero movies. And here's what they've missed out on: meet Logan Singer, a mutant-writer who is in love with Rogue—a woman he can never kiss. He's indestructible but totally crippled by his insecurities.

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Either this is a damning indictment of the state of modern pop music or this kid is a child prodigy. In reality, it's a bit of both, as this 4 year old manages to make music that sounds just as good as anything being made by the professionals. Get him a contract pronto!

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Ever wondered what happens after to flush your turd down the toilet? You probably haven't because you're a normal human being who cares not for their faeces one it leaves their bowels. But in case you did wonder what happens, here's an animation with all the details.

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This is how you ride a motorbike like a boss, and especially if you don't mind some life-changing brain damage should you come off. In fact life-changing brain damage would be the least of your worries, being alive would be your first goal.

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Word up yo, this is Da FLOWers with "La Capital Mundial" translated it means "the world capital" and it's a rap parody dedicated to the Spanish city of Huesca — never heard of it? Well you have now, and it's the center of the universe.

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This is Enayla and if you're a fan of Portal 2 and into cosplay and a bit of a geek, then you'll probably want to marry her as this is her incredibly accurate and totes amazeballs GLaDOS Portal 2 cosplay at PAX Prime 2013. The bar has been raised people, the bar has been raised.

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All the single people out there, don't be down just because the only thing you have to cuddle up to at night is your own loneliness, it gets better, the loneliness will eventually become your friend and, who knows, maybe even a lover.

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