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If nothing else than for his performance in Ozymandius alone, Walter should win all the Emmys in the whole ceremony, even those categories where Breaking Bad isn't nominated or isn't even relevant to. But no, he has to suffer the indecency of being defeated by Harry Dunne.

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We all love a remake and we all love living in the past so here is the brand new Grand Theft Auto V as if it had just come out on the SNES like it was 1993 all over again, complete with pixelated 16-bit graphics to melt your geek heart.

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Science fiction becomes... science non-fiction with this fully automatic gauss machine gun which looks totally rad and like it might've just come from the Fallout video game. It's creator Jason Murray at Delta V Engineering uses it to make quick work of soda cans, glass jars, and an old Dell laptop.

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That Rappin' for Jesus video with the pastor who can spit lyrics just got infinitely better by adding the beat from "Still D.R.E", making it the freshest track you'll hear in the next ten minutes or so.

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Spend a few moments on the internets and you'll know that it features a helluva lot of cats, like shit loads, but just because the internet loves cats, does that mean it is cats? Well, this guy will try to convince you the answer is yes.

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Summer's coming to an end, and so it's time for us to get all misty eyed and tearful about it, while also getting angry about the oncoming winter and how freaking cold it's going to get. So to cheer you up here's a young Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake being nearly gay.

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Spherical Mirror? What witchcraft is this! Vsause risks the universe eating itself by asking what would happen if you had a completely round mirror, like when you get mirrors facing each other and they reflect to infinity and beyond, but a sphere instead of rectangular. Hold onto your hats, people.

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John Green gives some advice to students returning to school for summer break. So in case you're needing a reminder why you must suffer so, hear him discuss the reasons public education exists, celebrate the landing of the Mars rover Curiosity, among the many great things that have happened to humans since we began to invest in public education.

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Be still your geeking heart, as the beloved Pixar character is brought to life, writ large from computer graphics into a remote-controlled robot by Mike McMaster in his workshop, which also includes an R2-D2 droid.

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We may be social creatures, but that doesn't stop loneliness being the most common aliment of the modern world. In this animation the connection between our permanently online lives via social networks and still being lonely is explored.

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This is one guy's story of how, after being scammed he traced the scammers back to Thailand and then decided to go pay them a visit. Foolish or brave or maybe a bit of both, he ends up doing the police's job for them, before it all gets a bit too hairy.

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Pens aren't just for writing with you know, you can do lots of things with them, like stab people in the eyes or replace your fingers with them or even use them to drum on the table with like these two highly skilled time wasters, and put some professional drummers to shame.

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Roll up, roll up! Laaaaydeeeeyzzz and gentlefolk, for your entertainment and delight, the one and only, the amazing Kaiser! This Bengal cat is a performer of the highest order, showing off a range of tricks that will impress even the most cynical of people.

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Using just their mouths and some mics, these guys do an ace acapella version of the theme music from Dexter, everyone's favorite serial killer. Not only that, but they wear some awesome t-shirts while they're doing it too.

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September, a time when summer comes to an end and the transitional period of autumn start to begin heralding winter and the end of another year. It's also a time when people around the world continue to fail at simple endeavors and the internet continues to laugh at them.

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