Check this out!
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Filmmaker Casey Neistat risks a bruised knee and maybe some other less serious injuries by showing how difficult it is to ride in the bike lane in New York City without hitting any obstructions. Crashing into a police car is definitely the most impressive.

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Had your Vine fix this week yet? No? Well, then look no further for your weekly dosage, as they're all collected here in one handy compilation, which is rammed full of instant LOLZ, WTF moments and ADHD humor. Problem is, your day goes downhill from here.

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Getting chased by police in GTA V? Then get yo aiss up Mount Chiliad and out run the poe-leece and cause enough trouble until they send in the cops, copters that is which you can then take out with sticky bombs. Then rinse and repeat.

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Supercars may be super and all that, but you're never going to drive one — there's much more chance you'll get behind the wheel of a second hand Volvo S60, so take a watch of this and you might learn something. Something about why menopausal women should avoid Wendy's.

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It's not only candy that is easy to steal from children, you can also steal baseballs from them as well, right as the balls come flying into the stands by the kids' baseball-playing heroes, you can extend your adult arm and get that ball and watch the tears come flooding in. Ownd!

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Feeling undervalued at work? Feel like jacking it all in and heading to pastures new? Then how about this as a way to quit: dancing around a deserted office giving an interpretive dance to Kanye West’s "Gone" as a way of handing in your resignation.

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All the iPhones ever made go head to head in a speed comparison test, showing you why it might be better just to stick with Samsung or, if you do want to, then make sure you don't suffice with a hand-me-down 2G, cos they're truly shit.

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You may think that all a bunny does is hop, but you were wrong, because they can take to the air too — albeit with a little help, and if you're sceptical then just take a look at this video and you'll have all the proof you need.

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This is a nice little sing-a-long number about all the idiotic ways you can meet your maker in the new GTA game, from blowing up gas tanks to leaping out of a moving car, all sit to the tune of that Dumb Way To Die that stormed the internet awhile back.

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Japan, this is just too much, there are plenty of things that you come up with that the rest of the world can tolerate, if finding a little weird, but not this. This is just one of those things that is way beyond our comprehension. Now where the hell can we torrent this movie?

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Tuesday, October 8th sees the season premiere of Supernatural Season 9, no doubt you have that date set in your diary and have been anticipating it for months. Now it's finally nearly upon us, and to get the pant-wetting going, here's a promo from the current King of Hell and Castiel the angel.

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You've probably watched Pulp Fiction a thousand times and can quote the dialogue verbatim, but this is the first time you would've seen it in under 60 seconds and not only that, but it all takes place in the correct timeline too.

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Conversation with a 3-year-old kid can be pretty weird, as this series attests to, where actual conversations are re-enacted using a full-grown man to replace this guy's daughter. This episode see dinner time being interrupted due to an urgent need to go get a harmonica and some celery.

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OK, watching this may make you wary about handling pennies from this day forth, as this guy's been sticking 30 dollars of pennies up his ass for the past 11 years, totalling 12 million pennies. Basically, you've been handling this guy's ass pennies. Ewwww.

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If you came out of your screening of Star Trek Into Darkness thinking how the hell could any of that have happened? The plot was so implausible even by Hollywood standards it was completely ridiculous. Then watch this and feel better.

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