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You're sitting there on public transport, trying to get from A to B, it's crowded, then suddenly a waft of ass comes flying into your face: The Inhumanity! Who did this? WHO? It's a unenviable scenario, but are the silent ones more deadly than their loud counterparts?

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Let it be known today that you have been living a lie — that's right, because you probably thought your jaw could bite "down", but it can't because your top jaw doesn't actually move. I don't even know who you are any more.

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Ylvis, who brought the internet that fox song, have turned their skilled hands to covering classic songs using an air horn, from geeky hits like “Star Wars Main Title” by John Williams to “Great Balls of Fire” by Jerry Lee Lewis. Thank you, again.

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Ever wondered what Mars looked like billions years ago when it was a little baby planet? Nasa have got your back, releasing a video revealing what its younger, life-supporting self may've been like a long, long, long, long, long... long time ago.

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It's been some time since London's Southbank released plans to build over its Undercroft, which became a skate park, loved and used by many skaters over the years — in the process turning this area into a dead zone of commercial coffee shops and other shite. But Long Live Southbank ain't going out like that.

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It's Vinefix time! Down your tools, close that spreadsheet, tell the boss to go eat their own head because this is the time every worker is allowed to take off under the Laws of Spaceship Earth: the time you take a few minutes out and watch some stupid Vine videos.

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Yeah you may've caught these guys at the tail end of a festival when you could barely see straight and they sounded like the saviours of music, so now you can hear them in the cold light of day and trip out to their kaleidoscopic music video.

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The power of Christ compels thee! The power of Christ compels thee! OK, maybe this kid isn't Beelzebub incarnate but he's showing some of the signs, so we should proceed with caution. If they ever do a remake of Twin Peaks though, there could be some work for this kid.

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The internet loves Simon's Cat and his awesome YouTube channel, mainly because the artist manages to nail the quintessential every-cat personality that any cat owner can relate to. To celebrate 5 years of success, Simon draws how it came to be.

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If you thought someone rapping in one language was impressive, then they are nothing but chopped liver in comparison to this guy, who raps in not one, not two, not three, not even four, but six, that's SIX, different languages.

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They say it's the largest organ the human body has, but what's the point of it? Is it just to look nice, to distinguish us from our ape ancestors? Is it some kind of conspiracy perpetrated by a godless universe? WTF skin!

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It was an inevitability and now it has become reality, well virtual reality — and who else but the Japanese could turn the Occulus Rift headset into a working sex simulator, combined with a few other components, like an avatar performing sex acts and a "masturbation sleeve."

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Rick Allen, the celebrated drummer from Def Leppard, was notorious for having only one arm, and this drummer has no arms and he can rock those drums with the dynamism of someone with eight arms.

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Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear. Microsoft, not one to miss a trick, have created an anime trailer for Internet Explorer which involves a heroine called Inori Aizawa, who transformation in the video is supposed to represent the change of the browser in recent years. What. The. Fuck.

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These brave gents have taken it upon themselves to try out a little social experiment to the benefit of humanity, taking a 2013 Red Ferrari Italia 458 out for a spin to see if women will go for a ride. But we all know you shouldn't get in strangers' cars.

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