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Not only can this robot fly, but it can withstand mid-air crashes too, helping victims in disaster situations and proving difficult to destroy when the Singularity hits and we're desperately trying to eradicate our newly risen robot overlords.

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If it's not the TSA snooping on your private parts in the name of airport security or the NSA snooping on your private internets time in the name of a police state, it's Microsoft snooping on your genitals in the name of gaming. Fuck our lives.

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From Bach to Skrillex and shot in one take, it's time to learn yourself some knowledge, specifically the history of the bass and how its style evolved and adapted, making way for sonic experimentation like the echoey bass effects seen on Pink Floyd's "One of These Days."

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It's a pretty widely known fact that junk food is killing us all, but it tastes so good and is so cheap, how can we possibly resolve this? This video has the answers, maybe, possibly, hopefully — it has something to do with eating apples.

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You’ve got more chance of being struck by lightning while waving around a winning lottery ticket than you have of finding a pack of double-yolk eggs. But while you might not find a whole pack, these guys have developed a phone app that can detect double-yolk eggs using magic — well, hacked firmware and ultrasound pulses.

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It's all well and good being Facebook "friends" but what about if one of your many dear digital buddies suddenly showed up at your house unannounced? Would you give them the cold shoulder or welcome them in with, kinda, open arms?

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In the name of security your rights and personal space get eroded more and more and more, but when will we stand up and say "ENOUGH! I'll take you looking at my flabby naked body through a scanner, but I will not have you commenting my goddamn underwear!" Not unless they say something nice.

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Howie B is back with a new album, Down With The Dawn, his first in over 5 years and this is the first video from it — a laid-back slice of electronic beats from this musical polymath whose production and artistic prowess has seen him create much-loved albums and work with seminal musicians like Soul II Soul, Bjork, U2, and Tricky.

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You've probably spent large portions of your life playing it, but do you know anything about its conception or development? Or how it's been one of the industry's biggest open world action series? Actually, you probably know that last one, but GTA's history is a fascinating story.

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As Beastie Boys covers go, this is up there — three girls show off their engineering skills while also singing about their desire to build and code and defy everything pink and princess-like, in the process hacking a typical house into a magical contraption.

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"See, some guys prefer asses," this spoken word poem goes "Some prefer tits, And I’m not saying that I don’t like those bits...." but he wants a girl who can read — don't we all? And cook and clean and make me a fucking sammich. Joking!

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So, Jennifer Lawrence has a new haircut, which is cause for the fashion police to stop what they're doing and lay down some judgement, but Jen just doesn't give a damn what they think. When it comes to E!'s Fashion Police, she's got a few simple words for them...

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This is very, very impressive and to be able to do it without hurling up one bit of whatever it was she last ate, makes it even more admirable — so if you're single and looking for a future wife, this is the right person for you.

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Peeling garlic is one of life's great ballaches, so anyone who can come up with a method that gets the job done in less than ten seconds and then shares the results on the internet for all to see is a fine example of a human being indeed.

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The sensitive painter and TV host Bob Ross takes on the fiery Cubist master Pablo Picasso, a clash of styles if ever there was one, with Picasso proclaiming lines like "You're whole body of work is a fluffy mountain of crap! You're the PBS version of Nickleback!" — it's a tough call who wins.

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