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Prepare to have your mind expanded, but not by psychedelics or other mind-bending chemicals, but by the sheer transcendental power of a really impressive domino trick. Wild.

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100,000 images shot from around the world, between Belgium and Australia, from festivals to Sydney Opera House to the streaming night sky trailing distant stars for you to coo over, there's something for everyone: you, me, even your nan.

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Back in the 19th century, this is the sort of thing they called entertainment, but unknowingly they were fuelling the nightmares of children, and adults, for generations to come. Kill it. With fire. From space.

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Take a step back and think about all those games you've played and loved down the years, most of the main characters have been white and when you do have a minority included, it's not exactly United Colors of Benetton.

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The horror! These strange concoctions are the result of compositing human and veterinary X-ray films to create hybrid forms of human and animal/insect — the type to haunt your dreams, but the type that would also look awesome on your wall in poster form.

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It's got Will Ferrell, Jonah Hill as the Lego Green Lantern, it has some Matrix-like plot about some ordinary guy saving the Lego world from destruction and the entire universe from being glued together — your ten year old self is mega-excited about this one.

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There's something about this poem this guy wrote for his ex that gives off a whiff of bitterness — maybe it's the way he calls her a shithead or likens her to man boobs, or maybe it's the jail time for her attempted murder. Or maybe it's just me reading to much into it all.

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Behold, the latest voodoo of our technological age! It's a table that can replicate , in virtual form actions or movements from people and objects in real-time, like someone's hands moving a ball for instance. Cray.

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BatDad is back, which if you're a criminal matters not, but if you're a member of his long-suffering family it means you've probably spent the last month subjected to the torments and trolling of your father dressed and speaking like The Batman.

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From presenters chowing down on their cat's puke to the cringeworthy hilarity of freestyling without any style, October was a great month for bloopers and a bad month for broadcasters. Maybe November should be retraining month.

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Texas-based start up TrackingPoint Solutions released the first ever precision-guided firearm, which is essentially a long-range, laser-guided robo rifle. Call it the gun of tomorrow: The technology is so advanced it can have beginners killing at extreme distances with single-shot accuracy in mere minutes.

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Holy crapwad! Not sure how anyone managed to survive this insane mid air collision, but they did. This head cam footage shows the dramatic moment when two Cessna planes crashed at 12,000ft, erupting into a fireball and throwing a group of skydivers and their plane hurtling to the ground.

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If you had any doubt in your mind as to who was the better and cooler, then just take a look at this video and your mind will be made up. You wouldn't catch Thor pushing a child, which is why Loki is so much better.

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What cat doesn't love to swat at paper? But what if the paper could fight back? In this short film from Adam Cox, after Jess the Ginger Cat takes out one paper man too many, the paper-people decide to band together and fight back against the feline tyranny.

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How far is too far when it comes to a prank? Is pretending that you've hung yourself to scare the living hell out of innocent strangers as they walk along in the street minding their own, too far? Nah.

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