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You may've always wanted to get up close and personal with a pride of lions, but there's the small matter of them savaging you limb from limb—but don't worry the internet's got you covered with this remote-controlled camera buggy that puts you in close contact without the danger.

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Personal transport just took a turn for the volo, with this two-seater electric helicopter which uses 18 rotors to lift you and a passenger off the ground so people can point and go "Wow!"—it even has remote control.

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Goddamn robots, first they take our jobs, then they steal our women, then they beam the internet into our brains, and now they're solving our Rubik's Cube in one second! They will stop at nothing to shame us.

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If water could misbehave, this is how it would act—watch in utter amazement as water droplets travel uphill and whizz around a maze, due to super-high temperatures that cause a layer of vapour to form below them which they then glide about on. Science, bitches!

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OK, everyone make sure they're sitting down because you're about to watch a video of a woman who's attracted to a Ferris Wheel she's loved for decades — it's known as objectum sexuality (so I'm told), and describes when humans form romantic feelings for inanimate objects.

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OK, prepare to be grossed out, with factoids like there's more germs on your body right now than people in the USA and other horrors to show you why your mother was right about personal hygiene — and why we should all just let the five second rule go.

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Ah, the old filmic chestnut used whenever there's a violent terrorist organisation out to destroy everything and the good guys don't want to look like pansies, so out comes "We Don't Negotiate with Terrorists" — but of course they always do.

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Using your mouth to clean your finger after you've munched a crisp is nothing special or new, but using someone's else's mouth through a glory hole in the wall ? Prepare your WTF face because you're going to need it.

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Fights, riots, stampedes, riots, fights, stampedes — yup Black Friday is nearly upon us and this compilation shows just how insane this insane American tradition has got, and also shows how out of date and analogue people are — it's all about Cyber Monday now, yo.

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Not sure what logic this animation runs on, but it features a child fishing in a puddle using bananas as bait, prompting him to catch a larger fish than he can handle, whereupon he flees with the giant fish in pursuit. Awesome stuff.

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Just like they say at the very start of this video, the drums are one of the coolest instruments ever invented, and have given us such rock icons as Dave Grohl, Keith Moon and the epicness of Pink Floyd's Nick Mason — this guide will show you what the basic rhythms of this rock and roll essential are all about.

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Forget about whether you're a Zelda fan or not — although shame on your family if you're not even a fan of a Link To The Past — this acapella of the Light World overworld song from the aforementioned game is so good it's almost witchcraft.

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If you like dogs and car parks, you'll find plenty to lap up in this animated short from Birdbox Studio — set in a parking lot the main character comes into contact with an unruly dog, cooped up in a car, and things don’t go exactly as he thought they would.

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Say goodbye to learning about electronic circuits using pen and paper, and say hello to learning about electronic circuits using a conductive gel pen and paper — meaning you can create a working circuit in your notebook, instead of just a diagram.

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Ever wondered what happens to nuts at night when we're all in the land of snooze? Not the nuts you eat, they just travel through your digestive tract, but the nuts that go with bolts. And according this stop-motion film, it turns out they get up to quite a lot indeed.

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