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Try before you buy is an adage most shoppers like to follow, but there are certain products you might not do that with, like condoms for instance—but it looks like nobody told these people that getting naked in a store and having sex is not the done thing.

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Christmas time, for cats, is basically a time when they can wreck all the decorations you carefully placed on the tree and around the house, it's like you've set them up a playground of tantalising toys which they can chase and throw around.

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Here's how you get to play video games at your own wedding, by creating a tiered cake with Donkey Kong projected onto it, meaning this isn't just a themed cake but an actually playable cake—giving you something to do when the bride's father makes his speech.

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BatDad will not rest until his family have become a broken husk of their former selves, all for the amusement of the internet as he tests the very limits of his marriage and the parent-child relationship—and for that we should salute him.

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Have you a propensity to overeat when things get a bit emotional? Then Microsoft are trying to help you by developing a "smart" bra with sensors that detect heart rate, sweat, and stress levels and connects to your smart phone to alert you when you might be partial to over-eating. Does it work with men's moobs too?

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If you've never seen Patrick Swayze's awesome movie Roadhouse, then go watch it right now—for the rest of us, we can rejoice in Reddit and Mystery Science Theater 3000 teaming up to sing, choir-style, 'Let's Have a Patrick Swayze Christmas This Year' from the classic 1991 MST3K episode 'Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.'

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It’s not everyday you come across a stop-motion video created using 100 people in their birthday suits — but that's what you'll witness in the video above, which tells the story of Sam, an out of shape guy who needs to be surrounded by naked people rolling around and creating patterns before he has the epiphany that he needs to look after his body and go do some exercise. Maybe it’s the motivation we all need.

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The internet pays its respects to the Fast & Furious star the only way it knows how: a montage mashup showing the star's magic moments from his time in the fast car franchise, in which his memory will live on. RIP Paul Walker.

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You must feel so stupid with your flat, immovable smartphone, because LG have upped the game with their LG G Flex, a 6-inch handset with a curved body that contours to your face—and not only that, but it also features a self-healing rear panel that can repair itself when scratched. So ner.

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There comes a time in every person's life when they have to draw an empty potato chip packet, and you have to ask yourself: will you be up to the challenge? Probably not, so fix up, look sharp, and cast your peepers on this.

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Rhett & Link voice the main frustration of our age: people constantly on their phones, texting, social networking, and doing all the other dumb stuff people do— so do the decent thing and watch this on a computer.

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3D printing is everywhere in the news these days, being touted as the next big technological tool that will change the world, but will it actually change anything at all? This video looks at the possibilities of this new tech and how it might be used.

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Looking at this, it's hard to think that it was created on an iPad using finger painting, but that's what artist Kyle Lambert has done, creating a photorealistic portrait of Morgan Freeman that totally beats that smiley face you drew using the same technique.

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It'd be interesting to see some of the great drummers from rock n' roll history—Nick Mason, Keith Moon, John Bonham, Dave Grohl—have a go at playing on frozen Siberian lake Baikal, which is what some local percussionists have done in -20C, turning this 25 million year old lake into an insane musical instrument.

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Amazon has just announced Prime Air, a drone delivery system that appears to be legit and not some kind of publicity stunt, where the company claims they can get your order to you in 30 mins via drone. Due to launch in the next few years, drones could become as commonplace as delivery trucks.

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