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Stuck with the perfect Christmas gift for your friend's little 3 year old kid? Then worry no more, for this is the perfect present for young hands: a spiderbot death ray laser which they'll have hours of fun exploding household items and pets with.

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Someone took Google Glass to a gun range and showed it firing various types of weapons. And guess what? It looks exactly like a video game! Yep, if you're a fan of CoD or Battlefield this should look very familiar to you, and help further blur that already thinning line of reality.

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Say what? Or, rather, sing what? There's no greater joy in life than singing the wrong lyrics to a song, you know they're not correct but you sing them all the same because the world's a better place with misheard lyrics.

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What you're listed as on another person's cell phone contact list is very telling of your personality: you prob don't want to be known as Creepy Dave or Don't Answer, and if you're called Jen Huge Tits chances are you've got a big personality.

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If you're a drug taker, you might want to raid your stash now, because this is the perfect animation to watch while high, but don't worry if you don't have a stash, this surreal journey which happens to feature elephants will trip you out all the same.

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These days you don't even need an actual, physical drum kit to start hammering away on the skins, you just need an iPad and maybe some inspiration from some of the best drummers around: think Nick Mason on One Of These Days and then get those fingers working.

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Your mind is going to be ≥ blown after watching this Vsauce show on space and physics and the art of tricking the mind into seeing something that isn't there—it's all to do with how the brain processes shiz at different rates and stuff, yo.

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Time becomes a loop in this new Tom Cruise vehicle, where he plays Bill Cage (very action hero-y) who is killed within minutes while on a new combat mission—and somehow he gets caught in a temporal anomaly (yeah, that's right) and is forced to live through dying again and again and again. Pity it's just a movie.

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A classic track and an ode to Syd Barrett with lyrics as poetic as the man himself—you're never going to better the Pink Floyd original but this is a sterling effort and an interesting take on a song as familiar to lots of us as our own names.

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So, it seems Samsung wants to silence a customer whose Galaxy S4 smartphone dangerously caught fire when he plugged it in to charge—asking him to take down a YouTube video, instead he put another one up, above, showingt eh letter they sent, and both vids have now gone viral. Hard luck Samsung.

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It's not enough that you're addicted to your phone, the future of wearable technology demands you get addicted to other devices, like a smart ring for example that acts like a controller for your phone. SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!!!

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Sure, you might be able to skateboard, but can you skate with a board that's on fire? These guys can and they've filmed it all in super slow-mo just so you can see the lick and curl of the flames as they engulf the boards.

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What does the fox say? Well, for the Perkins family it says "Can you turn me into a OTT Xmas light show so I can go viral and become internet famous for a day or so?" And lo! because it was the season of goodwill, the Lord maketh is so!

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Developed by students at MIT, The Copenhagen Wheel can transform your crappy, normal pedal bike into a awesome, lazy-person's electric bike with feedback sensors! All through the use of magic, well magic and a motor, batteries and an internal gear system.

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People are fed up with The Big Six energy companies’ profiteering—it’s time for an alternative: Ecotricity is the ethical energy option and with pricing independent of the fossil fuel market they’ll utilise energy bills to create a Green Britain. #DumpTheBigSix

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