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Ever wondered just how many lives all those action heroes would need to survive the onslaught of a movie? Well, these guys asked an actual doctor to answer that question and looked, firstly, at John McClane in "Die Hard." Yippee-ki-yay!

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OK, you ready to feel some pain? Good, because this video demonstrates the harmful effects of hypersounds on the human brain, and then gives an explanation of the nocebo effect, which is something harmless that causes harm because you believe it's harmful.

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You might think country music has been awful since Johnny Cash stopped making music, but it looks like 2013 was particularly bad, with subject matter including: Truck fetishism, old dirt roads, ordering women to climb into trucks, tight blue jeans fetishism, driving women to riverbanks, sunsets, moonlight, getting drunk, saying "girl."

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In case they passed you by because you were just too lame to find them, FunWithGuru details the best easter eggs that could be found (or not), from the games of 2013, which gives you a great excuse to waste even more time playing them.

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OK, it's time for a quick science lesson: you can generate electricity with a candle! Yes, hold the front page, but that's not all, because these braniacs use this method to power a fan with a tealight. Welcome to the 19th century, people!

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Twerk queen Miley Cyrus takes on history's most famous heroine as the two battle it out in a war of tongues (not literally, Miley would def win that) as the face-off finds out if Miley or Joan takes the prize as patron saint of bad ass bitches.

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It's time to learn the dark secrets of the cuttlefish, its secrets of awesomeness and its color-blindness and its swimming-ness and ocean-dwelling-ness and other incredible stuff. You'll be amazed! Promise.

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It's been the party season, so there's a high chance you've witnessed quite a few of these moves being busted out on the dance floors of the world, from the Boob Pumping to the Jumping Fist Pump, whatever they are, they're still better than 99.9% of male dance moves.

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So there you are, in Australia, and you turn your head and sitting on your shoulder is a giant spider that would scare even the late Steve Irwin—what do you do? Well, if you watch this video you'll know exactly how to handle the situation.

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Two geek universes collide as the inhabitants of Star Wars meet the denizens of Nintendo Land to give us such hybrids as Phantom Lord Ganon-Darth who unveils his latest weapon to kill the rebels—and it's up to Link Skywaker to stop him.

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If you want to see real Drunken Masters fight it out like pros, then you have come to the right place—cast your gaze upon these two warriors and look on aghast as they throw down some crane style, some mantis, some tiger and some WTF.

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Welcome to the guitar-playing world... OF TOMORROW!!!!! Guitarist Andy Williams shows off the automatic tuning capabilities of the TronicalTune—a device which quickly tunes guitars based on preconfigured settings. No modification to the guitar is necessary and it's always in tune.

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Leave it to these entirely unnecessary bleeps and blurs from 2013 to wrap up this year in the best way possible, featuring a megalolz roundup of Jimmy Kimmel's fabricated filthy moments from political figures, news reports and even kids' TV.

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Forget about all those end of year lists, literature, cinema, and all that other bullcrud—this is the only cultural barometer you'll need this year—and it's probably the only one that features a goat duetting with Whitney Houston.

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Most city dwelling folk think of farm life as the healthy alternative to living in a metropolis, all that fresh air, physical work and fresh food—and sure, life is good on a farm until your animals start getting so fat they float away.

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