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Game of Thrones Season 4 is coming! But until it comes to a screen or Pirate Bay torrent near you in April, we'll have to make do with this trailer which shows Jon Snow in full battle-rage, Tyrion in chains, and loads more to make you hot under the collar.

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From a lion walking through a crowded office to beach weddings and conversations in the park, there were quite a lot of VFX used in Martin Scorsese's f-bomb ridden movie about a stockbroker involved in fraud—here VFX company Brainstorm Digital show how they did it.

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Life hacks are supposed to make your journey through the day easier, giving you little shortcuts to getting the best from everything and come out winning, but not all of them work, and here's which ones a a load of bull crud.

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Sure there might be a lot of Pokemon fans out there, but that doesn't mean it has any bearing on reality whatsoever, so this satirical video sets out to show just how ridiculous a concept it is—and there's a dick joke too.

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Using motion capture software a man does the impossible: he controls Tesla Coils using hand motions and he's not even facing the coils. Yes, you might be want to cry witchcraft but it's not, it's just science people, it's just science.

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Tony Stark's on his way back home when, wouldn't you know, someone decides to attack him—and not just anyone but Ten Rings, the damn terrorists who abducted him back in Iron Man 1, but Tony ain't going out like that and unleashes the might of his new suit on their asses.

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ZOMBIES! SNOW! NAZIS! In this Nazi zombie sequel, we catch up with Martin, who's after accidentally killing his girlfriend with an axe, chain-sawing his own arm off and watching his best friends getting slaughtered by fascist zombies, now finds out he has a new arm—and it's undead.

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New Year, new you, new gym membership—and if you're wondering what to expect when you get there, then no doubt you'll come across (or maybe you even are) one of these stereotypes—you could even turn it into a game: gym bingo.

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Two cultural icons, together at last! The most popular toy in the world and the best TV show in the world come together to make it much easier for geeks to part with their money or choose their next birthday present. Hallelujah!

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It's not fair that while most of America experiences the chilling grip of the Polar Vortex, people on the West Coast in LA miss out on all the frozen fun—so Jimmy Kimmel's cousin Sal brings a bit of the Polar Vortex to California beachgoers. He's too kind.

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Today is the day you witness the joy of seeing two fried eggs rapping—and for that high water mark of your life you have the denizens of Vine to thank, but the fun doesn't end there, there's also cats (naturally), real life Mario mushroom power ups, and optical illusions.

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If you saw Saw, then you were probably too busy recoiling at some of the nasty experiences the characters endure to worry too much about little things like plot logic—but these guys aren't too busy, so here they lay down the sins of Saw. Suspend your suspension of disbelief.

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Forget about Chomsky and de Botton, Jaden Smith is the contemporary philosopher for our age—and he delivers his precious wisdom in 140 characters of insight—if his deep understanding of the universe blows your tiny mind, that's your problem, buddy, not his.

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One of the greatest things about living in this technologically-saturated age is when Conan O’Brien creates weird-ass video mashups of celebrities like FB supremo Mark Zuckerberg and Bert from Sesame Street, or Elton John and Vladimir Putin, or Larry King and a baby.

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Ever wonder why it's dogs that are used to help the blind and not any other animal? Well, let's just say that a moose isn't going to travel on a bus quite as easily as a guide dog. And try getting a donkey on a coach—it's a total nightmare.

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