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Blowing into your NES cartridge to get it to work is a surefire way to fix any problem, and taking that idea and running with it YouTuber Basami Sentaku turned old NES cartridges into electronic harmonicas which produce chiptune-style music when you blow in them.

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A robot theme park is being built in South Korea, due for completion in 2016 it will also feature a robot research development center, convention center, robot exhibition hall, as well as the theme park—great, but has whoever thought up the idea never seen Westworld?

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This is essential knowledge for everybody, and means that next time you go out and drink to forget you can try and limit the hangover you're going to wake up with, which are no fun—so this guy breaks down what causes hangovers, and examines if there's a type of alcohol that's more hangover-inducing than the others.

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Jimmy Fallon invites Black Simon & Garfunkel back onto his show to totally own Ke$ha and Pitbull's hit "Timber", turning it from a song that's close to the top of your hate list, to a song that you'll definitely repeat listen to—at least once.

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Eric Sterman's Pipeline Winter 2013 gives an incredible perspective on the surf action below and gives a glimpse into what the future of sports videos will look like—drones cruising high over snowy mountain tops or Hawaiian tidal waves as they capture the every move of the world's top athletes.

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Ever wondered what it's like going for a drive in Tatarstan, Russia? No? Well, the internet doesn't care so here's a day of driving caught on a dashcam (most of it staged), and it turns out driving in Russia doesn't always have to be full of danger.

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Forget about the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the Aquatop Display could be what you'll be queuing round the block to get your hands on in the future. The system projects an image onto a water-filled bath and users dip their hands in to control a computer game. It was developed by Tokyo's University of Electro Communications.

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What does it take to be a total badass trick skier? Well, numero uno American slopestyle skiing don Nick Goepper reveals, with the assistance of the new MōVI camera system, what it takes to be the best in the world.

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You might be an expert at shovelling the stuff into your mouth, but how much do you actually know about candy? After watching this you'll probably more than double your knowledge about those sweet treats we all love so much.

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It's probably no surprise that an actor can sing, most actors can probably lay down some lyrics as part of their luvvie skillset, but it's the way Iron Man sings that really impresses, kind of like Sting but in a lower register.

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Walter Röhrl was a German rally driver and an all round car racing badass—this footage, from 1987, is taken from his onboard camera as he raced around the treacherous and iconic Pikes Peak Hill Climb, a legendary driver taking on a legendary course in a legendary car. Legendary.

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There's a lesson for us all here, well, if you're in a metal band that is, and you decide to record a track and then don't pay the engineer for his time—because you don't want to piss of an engineer, they will turn your metal song into a hardcore EDM track and ridicule you on the interwebz.

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You imagine it must be quite hard to find a loving partner when your face is covered in black and white face paint, so pity the poor Insane Clown Posse fans and not just because their taste in music is terrible—but there is hope with this dating site for Juggalos.

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Galaxies, Saturn's rings, our own solar system—all these space entities are flat, but how is that so when the universe is 3D? Henry Reich explains why in the video above—it has to do with nebulous clouds of dust and gas and stuff.

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Magnets, superconductors, and liquid nitrogen are pretty much all the ingredients you need for a rad slo mo vid about magnetic levitation—then all you need is a scientist to show you what the hell to do with it all.

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