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If you wanted to turn Los Santos into a submerged Waterworld style landscape, then this GTA hack is the one for you—it requires a modded PlayStation 3 and after you've flooded Los Santos, it lets you drive around in a yellow submarine.

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Bill Gates being a bit of an uber geek, you might imagine that he's a bit of a don when it comes to playing chess, but you'd be wrong, because here he is losing to world champion Magnus Carlsen in just nine moves.

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Here's the weird Futurama remix you weren't looking for today but now you've found it you'll be glad you did—sure it might just be Fry saying "Fix it" over and over again as the image distorts, but damn, it's catchy.

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Ever wanted to see Bill Gates dressed up in a chicken costume? That's just one of the ways Gates decided to promote his new site in a viral video while he was on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, who kindly agreed to help him.

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Trolling people on Omegle might be like shooting fish in a barrel with a machine gun, but it's still pretty funny and this isn't the sort of hate-filled trolling that makes you lose faith in humanity, it's just some light-hearted lolz, so you can laugh and not go to hell.

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You could be forgiven for thinking this murmuration of starlings is CGI, but you are so wrong—instead this is what happened when two women went out for a canoe ride and stumbled across one of nature's greatest spectacles.

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This parody trailer for a non-existent Sundance film perfectly sums up all those navel-gazing hipster indie movies, so if you can't make it to Sundance then don't be too bothered because by watching this you've pretty much covered all the films there anyway.

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It's a difficult decision that many men face—should you have a beard, no beard, beard, no beard? Or how about just a moustache? Maybe just some lady's lipstick then. Aaaand, you're ready to tackle a new day.

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Sometimes when you gotta go you gotta go, and no where is that more true than car journeys when there's no services or places you can stop and do your business—still, no matter how desperate you are there's some rules you have to follow. Like, don't shit in a bottle in a car full of people.

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Ever wondered what human tastes like even though you in no way would want to actually eat the flesh of another person? You have? Ewww, Jesus Christ you sicko you need help. But anyway, in this video Vsauce looks at the flavor of human meat—it tastes like veal.

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Conference calls are always terribly awkward, full of people speaking at the same time or unable to enter the convo because they've mixed up their pins with their access codes and every turning up late and everything. And seeing it physically recreated makes it look all the more stupid.

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This showreel from video production company Eyeforce features some awesome footage of various disciplines, from skaters to surfers of all kinds, divers, mountain climbers and other active types who'll make you wish you weren't so lazy.

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Behold the Verrückt Meg-a-Blaster (still under construction but will sit at 140ft) which resides at Schlitterbahn Waterpark in Kansas City—it's the world's tallest water slide and to show they're not just messing about, it's nearly as high as Niagara Falls (167ft), but would you dare ride it?

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No longer are scooter riders the laughing stock of the stunt riding world, and that's thanks to one man: Ryan Williams—who has tirelessly shown that scooters can be badass too, yeah? And here he throws down a world first BMX trick, just to show he can master other rides too.

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Jake Roper (Vsauce3) shares 5 awesome PlayStation 4 facts during a stop motion breakdown of the console, showing us its innards and detailing the tech behind it—it follows on from their enlightening teardowns of Sega Dreamcast and the original Sony Playstation.

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