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This is a little excerpt from upcoming role-playing game The Stick of Truth, and the TV spot for it on during the Superbowl sees the return of everyone's favorite talking poo and his wife, which is good news for just about everyone the entire planet really.

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Wow, this is isn't your usual Superbowl ad, it's for personal injury lawyer Jamie Casino and is about a police cover up involving the shooting of his brother—and it's so incredibly over the top and epic, it takes a giant shit on every other commercial ever.

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Breaking Bad is just like 1980s sitcom about a housemother in an all-female boarding school—oh no hang on, it totally isn't, it's about a chemistry teacher who becomes a crack cocaine kingpin. But if it was just like Facts of Life, it would look like this.

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No one watches the Superbowl for the football, everyone wants to see the half time show and check out the adverts—so best to avoid the event entirely and instead catch up on the adds the next day with videos like this.

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Flappy Bird is so hot right now, it's the mobile game that everyone's talking about—or at least the media are anyway, so watch as hero of the internet Francis gets to grips with it: "WHY IS THIS EVEN A GAME AND ALSO GO FUCK YOURSLEVES."

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In Japan, people don't go to cafes to drink coffee and pretend to write a novel on their MacBook, no they go there to stroke cats and chill—and if you ever wondered what exactly these places are like, this video should give you some idea.

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Just because it's America;s biggest sporting event, that doesn't mean the Brits can't get involved somehow—and they've muscled their way in with this Jaguar advert which features Mark Strong, Sir Ben Kingsley and Tom Hiddleston and looks at why all the best bad guys are British.

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It's 2014 and we might not have hoverboards just yet, but look, someone's invented a one-wheeled electric self-balancing skateboard that's kinda like a hoverboard, if you close your eyes and imagine.

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What if Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy was recut to resemble a Judd Apatow coming of age buddy movie? Well, it would make things a lot more goofy and a lot less harrowing and it might look a little something like this.

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The neighborhood drunk gets some sweet, sweet justice after walking around out of his mind challenging cars and passersby to fights and being an all-round dick—but it's not long before things take a turn for the worst and he gets what's coming to him.

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Budweiser aim straight for the heart-strings and the tear ducts with their latest Superbowl ad, which features those Clydesdales that are amazingly adept at hitting you with an emotional punch and making you weep while you're trying to watch the game.

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Be still your beating undead heart, as the zombie apocalypse is returning to our screens on 9th February, after the mid-season finale has left fans waiting since last December—but the wait is nearly over and soon the flesh-eating hordes will be back.

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Don't ever let it be said that table tennis players don't have a sense of humour—in this bizarre match Belgian Jean-Michel Saive and Taiwanese competitor Chuang Chih-letting let their guard down and start making fun of their own hits, dramatizing them in slow motion to the laughter of the crowd.

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The stealth racoon from the PlayStation platform games is getting his own CG-animated and this is the first official teaser trailer. It's being created by Blockade Entertainment and Rainmaker Entertainment, and is set to release sometime in 2016.

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Violinist Taylor Davis pays tribute to the music and look of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, throwing herself into a live action recreation of the game itself and running around in a Link costume with the game's interface plastered over the video footage.

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