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Ever thought about doing weights while wearing heels? No, probably not but then you've probably not made it into a fail compilation so you should be grateful—that's just one of the dumb things that these cretins are up to in these fails of the week.

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There is nothing more necessary than unnecessary censorship and if you needed proof of that, you need look no further than this compilation of all the funniest, most lolsome pieces of needless bleeping in the whole of 2013.

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So the earth's 70% water, but where the heck did all the wet stuff come from? Is it God's tears? Did magicians put it there, like David Copperfield or somebody? Is it from the solar nebula? Are you a solar nebula? These questions and more are answered in the video above.

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The game may have left the app store, but it will never leave our hearts! Well, not when you've yet to score higher than 12 anyway, but if the frustration is getting to you and you need a way out, this method will show you how to beat the bastard game once and for all.

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Think of the great drummers from rock and roll history, the Nick Masons, the Keith Moons, the Jon Bonhams and they didn't practice their art on a bucket, which makes this guy all the more impressive with his badass beats that will have your jaw-dropping in now time.

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Although he's known for only a handful, and two franchises in particular, Harrison Ford has starred in a lot of movies throughout his career, some of them forgettable, some of them era-defining—so here they all are, from 1966 to 2013.

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They might look cute, but they can also be entirely deadly and may well kill you—not to alarm you but in this video, Jake Roper (Vsauce3) explains how three Pokémon—Magcargo, Blastoise, and Victreebel—could most definitely end you. Be afraid.

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It turns out you might've been eating your hamburgers all wrong—yeah, you're never going to live this one down, are you? That's according to these researchers anyway, who may've found a way to hold your burger so you don't get it everywhere.

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Verizon wireless customer George Vaccaro records his frustrating phone convo with a couple of service representatives at Verizon Wireless—both of these dumbasses can't comprehend the difference between .002 dollars and .002 cents.

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If it exists, then it can exist in Lego too—so goes this ancient practice and no more so it is true than in the world of film, where recreating a trailer or short movie in these real life pixels is pretty much one of the laws of the internet.

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Welcome to Coolangatta, Australia home to a cat called Didga, who likes to navigate this beach town on a skateboard—yeah, you're impressed aren't you? But hold on, because he doesn't just ride it but even performs tricks too.

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Not only is it mysterious, but it's gruesome too—tens of thousands of starfish in the Pacific Ocean are dying from a devastating illness that causes their arms to crawl away from their bodies until they rip off. Poor little Patrick :(

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Meanwhile in South Korea... people are willing to pay money to watch someone eat food on a webcam—the trend is known as gastronomic voyeurism, and is a burgeoning fad in recent months. This woman earns so much, she's even managed quit her day job.

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Prepare you best "wow" face because you're going to need it a few times as you watch this simply amazing time-lapse of the night sky—but it's not just the night sky, it also features Aurora, thunderstorms and all kinds of stunning footage of the natural world.

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The artist behind the immensely popular Simon's Cat gives a masterclass in how to draw... tabby cats! So if you fancy yourself as the next viral cat-drawing superstar then cast your peepers on this and get to it.

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