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Wearing denim overalls with one strap down, of course, Jimmy Fallon and Will Smith journey through the history of hip-hop dances, laying down such incredible moves as the Cabbage Patch, the Running Man, the Steal the Face and all those others you used to try and bust at the high school disco.

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If you've ever wondered what happens when your Flappy Bird score reaches 999, then look no further than this video which features a very famous character who's turned villain to make sure you have a tough time getting to 1000.

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How long has it been since you last watched a crazy Japanese TV commercial? Too long is the correct answer, so take a few minutes out and immerse yourself in the madness that is the world of Japanese advertising.

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Are you lonely? Do you feel like talking smack? Do you just wanna talk to a hard gangster? Look no further. The ‘Gangsta Party Line‘ will fulfill all your needs. Hundreds of gangstas are waiting for your motherfucking call, and they’re all talking smack about you right now.

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By using a camera and computer vision software it's possible to make a fish control a robot car over land. The fish swims towards whatever takes its interest, and this way it can explore the world beyond the limits of its tank.

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Aaron Rockett investigates Chinese electric car company Kandi's novel electric car garage which delivers cars like a candy vending machine, dropping them off to people as part of a public car share scheme—a green solution to the problems of pollution plaguing the country.

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Cape Town rapper Jack Parow, who's supporting Eminem on the South African leg of his tour, comes over all Fight Club in this latest music video as Parow takes on a pink, fluffy bunny in a violent bout of fighting—plus there's some twerking going on in the background just because.

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He may have been voted one of People's sexiest people, but in his dark past he hides a secret—a secret that involves wearing a fanny pack and hanging out a Medieval Times, not the actions of one of the world's sexiest humans.

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You probably learnt what you know about alcohol from the kid a few years above you in high school when your were 13 and you were hanging out in the park drinking cheap wine, so we could all do with watching this.

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The creator of the most popular mobile bird game since the last one, Dong Nguyen, speaks publicly for the first time about why he pulled the game from the app store—actually he doesn't, this is just a parody of the fame-shy gaming superstar.

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A video compilation of ‘scare cam’ pranks from the 6 second world of Vine, featuring pranks of all varieties, from the blatantly setup kind to the hilariously funny to some that are just downright cruel, but amusing nonetheless.

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Breaking up is never easy, but it surely has never been done in a more stylish fashion than this, which sees a couple ending their relationship via mashing up 154 movie titles. Certainly beats "It's not you, it's me."

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Courtesy of the Caribou Coffee company is this mega 64ft Pinterest board inside the Mall of America, where Shoppers can update their personal Pinterest with a custom hashtag to see their photos on this social media behemoth. And you know what? It still makes Pinterest look shit.

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In time for Valentine's Day comes this parody song taken from Disney's Frozen, and it's for all those #foreveralone ladies out there who are searching for Mr. Right. But be careful not to come across as too much of an Overly Attached Wannabe Girlfriend.

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Forget about that lame RoboCop remake that's currently in the cinemas, this is the only remake about a half man, half robot cop that you'll need to see—not only is it crowdsourced, hilarious and features a musical number but it's also ridiculously NSFW.

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