Check this out!

As computer courses go, this one seems a lot more exciting than your average learning to code class—and that's entirely because it features an incentive most guys can get behind, being that if you pass, these girls strip.

You might think you've seen everything when it comes to graffiti, but chances are you've never seen three guys strip completely naked, cover their bodies in paint and then rub up against subway trains to make their art.

If you wanted to know how to terrify someone who's using an Oculus Rift, then look no further than this Russian guy, who adds a little something extra to the roller coaster Oculus Rift game someone is trying out. Jerk lvl: 1000

Robots are cool, flying robots are also cool—so flying robot rockstars? It's stratospheric levels of coolness, as these multi-rotor musicians jam out on custom single string guitars and hit drums like they're playing a piano.

Pen spinning may've been something you did while bored in class, but these guys have taken it to new levels, and are ninja-like at the art of making writing instruments roll over their fingers, fly across their legs and generally act like they have a mind of their own.

Meet MorpHex MKII, a hexapod robot that can walk on six legs, transform into a ball shape and roll in any direction it wants—it's certainly awesome to watch, and looks like something from a video game, but just imagine when it gets weaponized.

Amsterdam may be tolerant of a lot of things, like drugs and prostitution, but they're not tolerant of people urinating in the street—well Daan Nieber isn't anyway and he runs around town spraying offenders with a water cannon. Good hunting, Daan.

In his post-presidential years, Dubya has taken up painting—first he drew the world leaders he'd met and spoken to over the years, but now he debuts some new works, this time featuring his dog, his friends and the ghost of an Iraqi child that follows him around.

In time for Batman's 75th anniversary, comes this animated homage to the Dark Knight, which revives (if only briefly) the defunct and celebrated Batman Beyond, which was on air from 1999 to 2001, while also nodding to Batman: The Animated Series, Adam West, Bob Kane and more.

For any soon-to-be parent, it's worth watching this video to learn an important lesson in child rearing—that is, you can't, ever, never, reason with a baby because they don't understand logic and reason and sanity, like this little one who thinks it's a great idea to go out on a balcony.

Going to the prom? Then how about your get yourself or your date the KFC Chicken Corsage? WTF is that you ask? Well, it's not that hard to explain because it's a flower corsage with fried chicken in it. You know, in case you get hungry. Yeah.

If you want kids to learn about science, then feature lots of explosions and fire and you'll have their undivided attention—Danish science demonstrators Fysikshow know this and have created the Pyro Board, an audio-visualizer made up of 2,500 bunsen burners.

Hats off to this guy, David Kalb—not only can he bounce two basketballs along the street while driving a car, he can shoot hoops through the moonroof too—and it's an essential life skill we should all learn.

During an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, when asked by the host what she likes to watch on television, Kristen Bell named Discovery Channel's reality show Naked And Afraid as her fav—so Ellen made her perform her own survival test, by building a fire and shelter in 60 seconds or less.

Meet Josh, he's a bit of an addict when it comes to running—and to show his dedication he gets up super early five days a week to go jogging, but this video shows Josh running (GoPro style) his first 135 mile race in the Caminho De Fe, or Path of Faith, in Brazil. Brutal.