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It's fixed gear riding Jim, but not as we know it—Josh Boothby rides forth into an alternate, Escherian dimension where his skills as a biker are put to the test in a very technical, maze-like course.

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Dvořák's "Symphony No. 9 Allegro con fuoco" is a wonderful track, but you'll probably like it much more after seeing this video, which gives classical music the same visual treatment (read: twerking) you'd expect from the latest Rihanna video.

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The 550th episode of The Simpsons has been dubbed “The Simpsons' Lego Spectacular,” and finds Homer Simpson torn between two alternate realities: the usual 2D handdrawn world of Springfield and a Lego version. After he gets his hands on a magical board game he sets out to fix the blocked-up Springfield.

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These Saudi guys may be completely insane with their habit of wanting to change car tyres while the car is in motion—but what a stunt, as they tilt the car on two wheels and then five of them clamber out to perform the feat. Incredible.

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Musician and producer Anthony Seeha uses two Nintendo DSi consoles with copies of Korg DS-10 Plus to mix his own songs back and forth. The Korg DS-10 is music-making software for the Nintendo DS that emulates the Korg MS range of synthesizers.

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Is it April 1st already again? This is crowdfunding working for the people, so get behind (or in front) of this much-needed "powerfully realistic electronic male pleasure machine" and congtribute to it's Indiegogo campaign—who knows, you might even get to be a, ahem, master beta tester.

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Screen Junkies take a good honest look at the original Spider-Man movies, the ones directed by Sam Raimi that everyone jizzed in their pants over (except the 3rd one) when they first came out—but looking back, maybe we got a little too excited.

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If you're the kind of person who hates it when people film in the wrong aspect ratio (and let's be honest, it's a terrible crime) then this music video by IFHT about how easy it is to start filming in landscape rather than portrait mode, should make you feel a little better.

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OK, so this couple may be happy that they have another baby on the way, but there's no need to inflict this abomination onto the internet—a cheesy cringefest of a video where the pair tailor a version of Taylor Swift's song "We Are Never, Ever, Ever Getting Back Together." Kill me.

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Whoever has to write those "doing it wrong" bits in informercials where they say things like "Are you tired of bulky pasta and pans and eggs breaking and stuff?" must constantly be chuckling to themselves as they reel off another kitchen disaster—because these are just hilariously dumb.

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Things were different back in the 80s, toys weren't afraid of being a bit macho, there wasn't any political correctness rubbish and these were the biggest selling toy of the era. If you didn't have the whole set you were nobody. MAN BLAST TECHNOLOGY! 

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Watch the trailer for Richard Linklater's ambitious new fictional film Boyhood, which follows the same group of actors over a 12-year period from 2002-2013, capturing the ups and downs, the good and the bad, the pain and the joy of the journey from childhood to adulthood.

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It takes great skill and dedication and hardwork to play in the NBA, but most importantly of all, you need to be able to perfect the art of the video bomb—just take a look at these video bomb pros as they give a masterclass of the art form from the 2013-2014 Season.

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Do blondes have more fun? Does anyone give a fuck? Can you speak French? Because you might need to, to understand the lyrics of this track by Alizée who appears to have been dark-haired and has now gone blonde. Euro plastic pop at its finest (i.e. worst).

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Normally, you wouldn't use the term "adorable" to describe a Tyrannosaurus Rex, but you'll have to make an exception for this toy robot, who can sit, speak on command and even chew its food by chomping down with its jaw. The cat will still hate him though.

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