Check this out!

if you wanted to see a couple of French guys withstand the onslaught of a flamethrower, all experienced in slow-mo, then you've come to the right place. If nothing else you get to watch the awesomeness of fire filmed at 2100 FPS.

World press photographer Christopher Herwig turns his lens to the curious bus stops of Soviet-era Russia—in this period, and against the norm, transportation-related buildings were given complete creative freedom, and some very interesting types of structures arose.

Memory cards, they're robots in disguise! At least, they are in this video which shows a micro SD card that doesn’t just store endless photos of your cat, but instead it’s a tiny robot that can run, fly, swim, battle magnets and bust through walls.

Ellen Degeneres takes no prisoners in this hilarious spoof of the shooped Target image which showed a model with ridiculously long arms and a huge gap between her thighs—at least, we think it was shooped but this clip says otherwise.

What do you do when you become hooked on a free-to-play app game? You could tirelessly spend every waking hour trying to rack up some points, or you could build an automated machine from Lego which taps your iPad all night long so you can collect all the points.

Prepare to be impressed as Rob Scallon acts like a big fat show off with his guitar and plays a whole bunch of songs in a really short period of time—watch in awe as he nails everything from Led Zeppelin to the Inspector Gadget theme.

You know how it is, you get the tub of ice cream from out of the fridge but it's just too damn solid to eat—damn your impatience! But Haagen-Daz have got a solution: knowing that ice cream is best when slightly thawed, they built an AR app to play you music while you wait for it to become the perfect consistency.

Just because you're old and grey doesn't mean to say you have to be a total grump—just look at this lot who are dancing themselves a newbie to Pharrell's hit song that you feel you should hate but just can't bring yourself too.

A new take on the popular strategy game lets players colonize a new world out there in the universe—previously the Civilization games have started on earth, but this new instalment goes interstellar and pits you on an alien planet to explore and colonize.

Jimmy Kimmel dressed Drake up in a beard and glasses and sent him to the streets to ask people what they thought of the Canadian rapper—and some of the responses are hilarious, with one guy even composing a song about himÚ "Drake yeah I think you suck," it goes.

The Masters may be a long-established golfing tradition, but that's not to say it couldn't be improved by some of golfing's finest taking on the obstacles found on a crazy golf course, like in this spoof video—will Tiger beat the windmill? Tense stuff.

As commercials for your new family-run restaurant goes, this is the way to do it—don't overload people with slickness and tack, instead just deadpan your way through it (and feature your kid) and you'll endear them to your new venture immediately.

Back in 1981, Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty wowed the entire world with their big hit “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around.†Skip forward to 2014 and Jimmy Fallon puts on a blonde wig and welcomes Nicks to The Tonight Show for an awesome recreation of the track and the music video.

The iconic opening from Game of Thrones is given a social media makeover where Facebook, Twitter and Google take the place of the warring families of Westeros as the landmarks, castles and structures of the noble houses get replaced by social media sites, apps, and tech giants.

It's time to park your cynicism and let this Thai commercial warm your heart as it celebrates the everyday heroes who don't ask for money or gifts or even acknowledgement for their actions, but whose reward is the joy felt at helping those less fortunate.