Check this out!
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LOL! It's Tom Hanks! And to show what an awesome dude of a man he is, he tells the audience at Michael Clarke Duncan's memorial service a funny story about the recently deceased actor, complete with mad gesticulations and everything.

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So, the iPhone 5 came out and shook the tech world to its core in no way whatsoever. Bigger screen? Revolutionary! Anyway, Tim Cook and his team haven't seen the last of Steve Jobs, he's back as a hologram and this time he can rap.

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This guy's eyes couldn't really be further apart, if they were he'd need two heads to contain them. Add to that the fact he's laying some shit-bricks after doing an bungee jump and it's surprising both his eyes are still on planet earth.

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Nobody pranks the living crap out of people like the Japanese, it's like a national sport. And the great thing is, they're all great sports about being pranked, cos if this was happening in the states fists would be flying and anger would be vented.

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Featuring Hugo Chavez, Hu Jintao, Barack Obama, John Paul II, Kim Jong-Il, Idi Amin, Queen Elizabeth, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, these world leaders battle it out on the global stage, fighting each other in games of Rock Paper Scissors to see who will be the supreme victor.

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Remember those "Shit So-and So Says" videos? Seems like a lifetime ago, but with the imminent announcement of the iPhone 5, be prepared for a ton of outpourings from the Apple fanboy collective. And they'll probably sound something like this.

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Gruelling is a word that comes to mind when watching Ueli Steck's solo ascent of Eiger's north face in the Bernese Alps in Switzerland, completed in a speed-record breaking 2 hours and 47 minutes. It'd be worth it though, just so you could pull the Rocky pose at the top.

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@thexavius has all the credentials to be an Instagram artist, from his glasses with no lenses to his overinflated ideas about his own brilliance. But don't mock him, because generations from now will look back at him as the Man Ray of our age.

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If you're into Breaking Bad, basically if you have eyes and access to the internet, then you'll lap up this animated title sequence which features all the cast and conjures the stilted, ambiguous atmos of the show.

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Van Damme IS Johnny Cage, the muscles from Brussels turned Hollywood superstar who decides to test his fighting skills in the deadly tournament known as Mortal Kombat! Watch as he flawlessly finishes him time and time again.

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Walter White's story arc in Breaking Bad is one of the most incredible in any modern TV series, from science teacher to cancer victim to drug kingpin and beyond, it's sure been emotional. Here's his story, so spoilers galore - duh. (CAUTION: If you haven't seen Season 5 yet then DO NOT WATCH!!!)

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The subtitle to this is Dance of the Criterion Collection and it features over 600 clips from over 600 different films from the collection of arthouse and other films that we should all add to our 'Films to Watch Before I Die" list.

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The history of the human race since the beginning of time is quite long, say about 14.6 billion years of so, and pretty complex. So recounting all that could take you quite a while, much better to have it condensed into a nice, easily digestible two minute YouTube video.

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You can barely move your cursor on the internet these days without bumping into a wacky surreal music video, it's pretty much Vimeo's bread and butter. So leave it to Buxton to spoof the shit out of them with his own amazing music video.

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Lets play hunt the nipple, if you find one, you win the picture getting deleted! This gallery is definitely safe for work, but if it has nips itll have to come down. None of us want that, so make sure you do your public duty and report a nipple today!

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