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Time was you'd go into the restroom to relieve yourself, but not these days. These days people go in there to do all sorts of crazy things, like eat sandwiches for instance. Don't ask, just eat.

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It's a pretty simple premise, take some animated GIFs, add some sound from YouTube and what you're left with is some WTF funny mashups that will put joy in your step, hate in your heart and a smile on your ass.

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St. Vincent (Annie Erin Clark) and David Bryne act all weird dancing along a road, lying down in the middle of it and shaking their ass at the camera in the video for the first single off their collaborative album "Love This Giant".

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People who leave their phones on in a movie theater are kind of annoying, but what this guy does is maybe taking things a little too far. No, this isn't a 4chan movie but instead this played before each film at Frightfest 2012 to remind people to turn off their phones.

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Created in the Source Film Maker, we see lots of ghouls get their ass kicked in all manner of amusing ways, from baseballs to the brain to shotguns to the skull. It's very violent and it's worth five minutes of your time.

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Kiefer Sutherland may act all hard ass and tough guy, but inside that tough exterior lies a soft, fluffy center unlike the delicious cupcakes he likes to create. Cos when he's not torturing terrorists he's having a bake-off.

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Dystopian sci-fi is Ridley Scott's default setting when it comes to film, and here he retreads similar ground to his seminal Blade Runner, but this time with his son helping out and Giovanni Ribisi exercising his acting chops.

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If you were looking for a handy tutorial that summarizes Andrew Loomis's approach to drawing the head, then look no further. It even teaches you to draw the head from different angles. Whatever next!

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Sometimes it takes more than just some flirtatious eye contact to get the guy, sometimes it takes a series of athletic displays to show him that you're the one he wants. Or maybe it's just the skimpy clothes.

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This is wish fulfilment for every liberal in America, and possibly the world. If only it was true then we could all rejoice and let out a collective sigh of relief, but sadly it's just a mashup from the always superb Cassetteboy.

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The City of Angels comes to majestic (night)life with this time-lapse showing it as, not a vacuous city of wannabes, but a modern metropolis that looks like it could come out of the opening scene of Blade Runner.

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Meet Pedobear without the costume, he's Fergie Oliver and was the host of 1980s Canadian game show "Like Mom" and he's a complete freak who later went on to don a bear outfit and stalked the internet.

Monday Morning Dump (external)
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So here we are again, the two days of not giving a f#ck have drawn to an end and now reality slaps you in the face and demands you get into some sort of shape to contend with work, college, slacking. Here are some photo-lolz to ease the pain.

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Apple are really going for it after they won that patent war with Samsung, now they're taking out Star Trek TNG, the monsters! Can Picard and his crew survive the dastardly attack from the technology giant? No, no they can't.

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This is Sue Austin who's been in a wheelchair since 1996. But that didn't stop the artist from jury-rigging her wheelchair so she could go gliding about the deep, outfitting it with a propeller and fins that allow her to steer and explore the underwater ocean.

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