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While you were busy dancing around your living room with your grandma Gangnam Style and uploading it to YouTube, the Shit Girls Say people were busy making more episodes. Forgot all about them, didn't you? Well the least you can do is watch this to redeem yourself.

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To say that this film is hotly anticipated is to underestimate the power of the geek dollar, when this thing hits the cinema nerds and LOTR fans are going to swarm the screens like the forces of Saruman storming Helm's Deep. Anyway, looks alright.

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This just goes to show you what you can achieve with a little hard work, some skill with 3D software and a toy model. It's pretty freakin' rad and looks way better than something created with straight up 3D animation. Kudos.

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The man that kicked off the internet's current favorite meme takes a looks at some of the parodies he helped spawn. And he rates them too, giving a little critique here and there, but still managing to remain total chill yo.

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Strapping an engine to a bit of foam and making it fly is a noble persuit, but to get it to drop a sausage on a parachute is 10x nobler. And cooler. That’s Joel Veitch’s aim and by jingo he’s not going to rest until the job is done. Unless he nosedives the glider and vaporizes the batteries, then he’ll take a break for a bit.

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Holy Napoleon Boner-In-My-Pants! Forget about the iPhone 5, it's a load of old shit, instead think about getting this new high-tech phone which comes from the war-torn republic of Katzenstok. It's got a battery, plastic finish, and you can even speak on it. Watch out for the radiation poisoning though.

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We all know someone who can't deliver a joke to save their life, ruining the lulz for everyone within earshot. Well someone kindly uploaded this video of Mr Ford showing us all how it's done. Make sure you forward it to your buddy the joke-killer.

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Us humans may think we're the dominant race on this planet, but what about the birds? They're descended from dinosaurs for a start and look how easily they can steal food from us helpless humans. Yeah, exactly.

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The Gregory Brothers take a break from local news and celebrity ridiculousness to create this video that pits Obama against Romney via the speeches from their recent nominating conventions. All done with 8-bit gaming goodness so they can earn flags, hearts, and dollars to win over the American people.

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“Kaiju” typically refers to the Godzilla type of Japanese monster, but in this case it’s the name for a little guy with a light in his chest who falls out of a vending machine and into the streets of Tokyo. He wanders around town for a bit before running into a guy who takes a shine to the little guy.

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Blat-blat! Dirty plates? Scummy sink? Taps covered in white limescale horribleness? Well then get yourself this handy kitchen tool and shoot the shit out of it--you'll have shiny new surfaces in no time at all.

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If you're any kind of human being then you will have been watching the Walking Dead and you'll be mega excited by the prospect of the third season coming to TV to quench your thirst for zombie death and carnage.

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If you were in any doubt about the goodness that lies in milk, then this little short made in the Source Filmmaker should put your mind at rest, as Papa Scout shows Mama Engineer that milk does a body good. M'mm.

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You might not be going to the 16th Queer Lisboa in Portugal (September 21st–29th), but that doesn't mean to say you can't appreciate their excellent, like this one that goes through every gay cliche in the book and tears it a newbie.

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Now this is how you have fun at a wedding, how could you fail to not have a good time when dancing about like Mr PSY, throwing some shapes Gangnam Style. The only way this could end in tragedy is if he sued them for stealing his moves.

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