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Everybody and their uncle knows Daft Punk's "Get Lucky", the smash hit of the summer and now it's set to your favourite famous dance clips from film and TV. Which means your favorite track just got even better.

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Get one shitty bike, then get the most massive pulse jet you can find and stick it on the back of it and you've got yourself an afternoon's fun. Then record your efforts and upload them on the webz for the worldz to see.

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The internet may be good for a few things, but it's no good for friendships. Because people become total douche-holes on the net. So the best thing is to do away with all your friends and you'll be just fine. And lonely.

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The Halo Theme gets turned into an epic cover by a violinist and pianist, a stirring rendition that has extra epicness added to it because they decided to film it in the woods with the camera panning round them in a dramatic fashion.

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Chemistry, yo. Mr Pinkman won his well-deserved Emmy and all he could say for himself was Gatorade me, bitch! A fitting line for a fitting man who gave a fitting hug to Gus, and cried some fitting tears, and gave a fitting heartfelt speech. It's all so fitting.

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This unholy abomination of a man can communicate with demons, he's crossed the threshold into another world to reveal information about these people and couldn't have got from any other way! OK, maybe he just had a look online then.

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Put grown adults in cars and they start acting like kids, it's one of the rules of the road, so what better way to declaw the futile anger that gets unleashed than to have little kids reenact those embarrassing scenes to show us what douches we are.

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Whoah, whoah, whoah WHOAH! Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory are now able to use sound waves to levitate individual droplets of solutions containing different drugs. Well done them, what this means for psychedelics though boggles the mind.

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Just because you're on an International Space Station doesn't mean you shouldn't eat well, just ask these French astronauts, although they're fiction so you won't be able to ask them. Just watch the damn thing.

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As if the Australian outback wasn't terrifying and crazy enough, you can now add to the list of natural wonders a 50m circumference fire tornado picking up Mulberry trees like they were sticks. Mother Nature just can't help showing off, can she?

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Let this be a warning to us all, if you vote for Mitt Romney you'll end up being outsourced to China while Rommers grows to the size of King Kong and takes down Manhattan before expelling all poor people to the moon.

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It's important to know which celebrities support Obama and which celebrities don't, that way you can allow it to affect how you vote because an important decision like who will govern the country for the next four years should be made on the back of such frivolity.

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Any commercial that features a grizzly bear -- an actual, live, living, look! a bear! grizzly bear -- is worthy of your attention. Glad it also warns people not to try this at home too, because it's exactly the sort of thing you'd do otherwise.

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The liberal's wet dream of a TV show is BACK! Well, kinda, it's back for at least 4 minutes anyway as Captain Willard and his team discuss how they're going to negotiate Cambodia's Nung River to track down and brutally slay the crazed Colonel Romney.

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Got a beard? Then you'll enjoy this ode to that fuzzy creature on the end of your chin that your girlfriend tells you freaks her out to look at and is kinda gross when food gets stuck in it, but feels kinda nice tickling her thighs if you know what I mean. *wink* *wink*

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