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It's time for your weekly Vinefix. Check out the best Vines of the past week in this collection, rammed full of all the good stuff: the fun, the WTF moments and the hyperactive humor — it's all here for you to waste a few minutes of your time on.

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We've all seen those life hacks videos that can to make your life easier in everything from being able to cut onions without crying to heating up a pizza slice without it going soggy. But do they actually work? John here puts them to the test.

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This isn't a bad gig to have, under the ruse of raising money for a good cause you get to go up to women who are complete strangers and stick your head in their cleavage, and it's not harassment it's charity.

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And the moral of this video is, if you go back to a girl's apartment and she has human hearts hanging on a clothes line then chances are you're probably going to end up sat blindfolded in a chair as she tortures you for reasons unknown.

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This might be completely impossible in reality, but it's an enjoyable exercise all the same: How would the Moon look from Earth if it orbited at just 420 km above our planet, the same as the ISS? Well, it would look fucking huge for a start.

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This is an embarrassment to anyone who calls themselves a human being, so all of us basically. It's from the same mind that brought us Rebecca Black and it's about how much Alison Gold likes Chinese food. On the plus side it does have a man in a panda suit flying through a roof trailing a rainbow. Yeah!

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From some of the idiotic status updates people put, it might sometimes sound like four year olds are on Facebook, but those are actually adults — this sketch imagines what it might be like if four year old were actually taking selfies and updating the world about their day. Super adorable.

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Filmed over three nights this time-lapse montage was shot in Mauna Kea, Hawaii, which has a summit of 14,000 ft and is a top sight for astronomy. This mesmerizing footage from Sean Goebel shows the observatories and the lasers used to adjust the telescopes.

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You might think you need weapons and silly things like food to survive the rising of the undead, but you don't, you need far more important stuff like a Roomba, some South Park, a boob pillow and some Ray-Bans cos you gotta look good.

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Sure, Kanye might be controversial, but you don't get to be a megastar second coming Jesus freak without treading on a few egg shells — and now, after releasing a new album, he's set to release a brand new child. It's going to be stripped down, experimental, and deeply personal.

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This would make Slash himself proud, as Vancouver-based Michelle Kwan tears into the Guns N' Roses' classic on her guzheng — just wait until she gets to the guitar solo part, you'll cry salt tears of joy.

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Just because you're on a popular TV show, doesn't necessary mean you're going to have luck with the ladies — which is paradoxically both reassuring and upsetting, but it doesn't bother Steven Yeun that he has trouble dating, he has comic books instead.

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There are many ways to ruin a perfectly decent speaker, but this is perhaps the most fun and the most visually impressive. It's fairly easy to try at home too, get some paint, chuck it on the speaker and film it all with a Phantom Flex. There's many screensaver moments.

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If you're having some kind of emergency, like you stubbed your toe, or you ran out of dip or your girlfriend's on fire, then call 911 and they will laugh in your face, just to reassure you that no one cares — but take solace knowing that your suffering is providing entertainment for someone.

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You get the ying and the yang with this compilation, you get to laugh at some poor fools but then when you're done with the lolz, you can sit jaw agape at people winning at life. It creates the perfect balance. LOL-WOW!

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