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In case you were thinking of flying up there yourself and staking a claim to it, Vsauce explains the involved history of space ownership, talking about international treaties and even the logistics of trying to defend the moon from the rest of humanity as an individual.

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In the battle of Jesse and Jeana there are no winners, only who's pulled the last prank, but they'll only be on top for a while, until the other unleashes their own revenge in an epic prank war to end all prank wars.

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It's not unusual for a guy to lose himself in his own daydreaming when thinking of women, but this guy really goes for it, concocting stories surrounding complete strangers and himself, their potential lives together, their cute kids, you know, the stuff every guy does but doesn't admit to.

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Bill Murray is no doubt one of the most awesome actors, always fantastic in everything he does, that is right up until he has to kiss someone, then it all gets kinda awkward and you have to look away for a few moments.

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During a training mission from Malmstrom AFB on Feb. 2, 1970, this F-106 entered an uncontrollable flat spin forcing the pilot, Maj. (Ret.) Gary Foust, to eject. Unpiloted, the aircraft recovered on its own and made a gentle belly landing in a field near Big Sandy, Mont.

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Holy crap! It's a wild Pikachu running around Taiwan doing Parkour as it goes — it's very rare that you see one of these in action, especially in public like this and to catch it on tape is probably one of the greatest scoops of the century.

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The RSA animates a speech by Dave Coplin, Chief Envisioning Officer at Microsoft, who asks how we can get people more engaged, more productive and happier while at work. Can technology help? Or how about just paying me a shitload of cash?

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You probably didn't think your smartphone was capable of looking at cells, but with this hack you can convert it into a digital microscope and view the microcosmic world like some kind of superhero — and all this for the not-so-princely sum of $10!

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Part of the Belfast festival, WISH is a public art project by artist Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada — it depicts an anonymous Belfast girl and is so huge it can only be viewed from way up high on a building or from an airplane.

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Forget about the anger you feel over Brian De Palma's classic being remade into what will be utter poop, and just enjoy this remixing of the new Carrie trailer cut with scenes from Disney's Cinderella to give a creepy new twist on the story.

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Some people may stake their claim to be the dancing queen, but there's only only dancing king: Tom Hiddleston — after being asked where the most confident part of his body is, Loki says his feet and then proceeds to show why.

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You've got to be pleased with the YouTube video you uploaded of you dancing if the person you're imitating shares it on their FB page — this is what happened to Mr Koo here, whose Crazy In Love dance routine Queen Bee herself shared.

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It doesn't matter if you're sucking your own toe or hurling chunks into a rancid toilet bowl, if you play George Michael's track "Careless Whisper" over the top it makes you look sexy — something Jenny Marbles knows only too well.

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There's no doubt about it, time passes and we all get older—and unless you inject yourself with stem cells or happen upon the elixir of life, immortality will not be awaiting you. But just because your hair starts to go grey and you get a "grand" added to your parental title doesn't mean you can't still have some outlandish fun. Because old age doesn't have to mean you've not #Stillgotit

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One of the best movies of the 1990s gets condensed down to a minute and there's no nice shots of Brad Pitt with his top off, so bad luck ladies, but it does manage to replicate the plot well — and even has the subliminal message.

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