Check this out!

This short film was 10 years in the making by Walter Volbers, a computer animator, and is set in the Overlook Hotel from The Shining—but this film delves down into the carpet to find the horrors that lurk out of site.

Even though she's only 7 year of age, this Japanese girl could probably whoop your ass, as she shows off her skills in Kankudai, busting some moves with excellent technique and lightning speed.

Comedian Daniel-Ryan Spaulding flips the tropes that straight people tend to say to gay people (like "You totally remind me of my friend Kevin—he's straight too!!!") and tells them a bemused straight guy to show how ridiculous they sound.

Jon Lajoie sets his sights on trolling dating sites with this latest video which proposes a dating site for those people who appear in all those dating site commercials—everyone's got to find love somehow.

Dean Potter is an extreme athlete, so extreme in fact he likes nothing more than to go base jumping with his pet, a mini Australian cattle dog named Whisper—in a preview of the National Geographic's When Dogs Fly, the video above shows them both in action.

Daredevil with balls the size of mountains Andy Lewis slacklines between two hot air balloons 4000ft above the earth with no safety line—just watching it from the comfort of your computer screen is enough to scare your crapless.

If JJ Abrams was looking to feature a one-man Star Wars band in the new films, maybe in a kind of Mos Eisley Cantina type scene, then he need look no further than this guy who totally nails the Star Wars Theme—and is much more entertaining than the prequels.

Pentatonix is an American group featuring five vocalists who revitalise old hits by using an a cappella multi-singing twist—but this track is an original song of theirs and they've completed it with a cyber goth vibe look. Because, why not?

Disney just released the first full trailer for their Big Hero 6 movie, about a teen prodigy who turns his inflatable friend Baymax into a badass battle robot. The film takes inspiration from the Marvel comic book series of the same name.

In this 3D animated short from Victor Caire two elephant seals have their chill time interrupted by a meddling bird, the outcome of which nearly results in a fight before they both realise they just can't be bothered.

If you're going to get up on stage and do something as tried and tested as a Michael Jackson dance routine at your high school talent show then you need to absolutely kill it—and this guy totally does.

Could you stay focused as a stunning, super sexy woman does everything she can to attract your attention? Most of these students couldn't as they attempt to take a test while a stripper jumps up on the desks and sheds her clothes.

This is a total yearbook fail, instead of receiving a gift they could treasure for the rest of their lives, students at the Barry Goldwater High School in Phoenix ended up with a yearbook full of incorrect dates and misprints, which the school then tried to cover up by issuing stickers *facepalm*

A huge pop-up artwork magically appeared in the centre of Cape Town, so naturally people went to investigate—but once inside this mysterious structure they weren't quite prepared for the shocking thing that happened next.

After all the teaser trailers Marvel have now finally released the official full-length trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy—the action-packed space adventure centred around an American pilot named Peter Quill, who becomes the object of a manhunt after stealing an orb.