Check this out!

Scientists in Switzerland are doing crazy things, creating futuristic robotic furniture that can move around and self-assemble, morphing into different types of furniture depending on what you want.

Songs from Disney's Frozen have been done in so many different ways, but none are quite as inventive or awesome as this: Using the Source Filmmaker (SFM) the Let It Go song from the film gets transformed into the hilarious Let eet Go by Heavina BabyMenzel.

TV has given us many, many memorable catchphrases over the years, so many in fact that you've probably forgotten most of them—so here's a supercut of 45 of the best from television history to give you a refresher.

There's no way you've got time to scour Vine and find all the best clips on there—you've got social media to update, which is where this compilation comes in, keeping you in the know without having to do any of the ground work.

While this may look like the unholy doings of some nefarious witchcraft, don't worry, it's just science—science that can make a brick float on a pillow or a chess board levitate in mid-air using a CLM 2 magnetic levitation module.

Rémi Gaillard shows off his football skills by performing 32 trick shots, one for each team in the World Cup, while wearing the 32 different kits of each country—but is it just Remi's skill or is there some skillful editing that helps too?

One of the best scenes in T2 gets recreated in Grand Theft Auto 5 with impressive accuracy and no doubt many, many hours dedication to get it exactly right, so hats off to the guy who made it—now how about doing the whole movie in GTA 5?

When it comes to jealousy, hell hath no fury like a cat who's been usurped by a cuter cat, which is what happens to poor old Simon's cat in this clip, when Simon tries to get an adorable photo of a smaller kitty.

A drummer uses his toddler's son back as a mixing deck, tapping out some beats on him while the kid's squeals and giggles work perfectly as some added sound effects. It's pretty much the best instrument ever.

Animator Marty Cooper has done something particularly unique and fun, by combining hand drawn animation with photos taken using his cellphone. The result is AR stop-motion cartoons full of slapstick humor and augmented fun.

Cast your mind way back and see if you can remember Grand Theft Auto V for your Commodore 64 computer. No? That's because it didn't exist, but the guys from Welcome to the '80s have put together an awesome video imagining GTA V as it might appear on the 8-bit C64.

If you're an Apple fanboy or girl (you know who you are), then this is exactly how you reacted at the latest Keynote from Tim Cook, which you watched on your Mac while carefully fondling your iPhone and listening, with glee, to the new features coming in iOS 8

If today was the day you wanted to hear The Back To The Future theme song played on eight disk drives using a Raspberry Pi all situated inside a suitcase, then you're in luck, because that's exactly what's happening in this video created by YouTube user Arganalth.

OK, are you sitting comfortably? Because this one's an entire film, so cancel those meetings and instead check out this documentary by Bill Philputt that goes behind the scenes of the cult horror film "The Return of the Living Dead.'

Yup, it's official—there's going to be a new Mortal Kombat game and you can get a taste from this trailer which show Sub Zero and Scorpion kicking the crap out of one another to the sounds of bones crunching and limbs breaking.