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Get your geek on as this Acceleron V 2-stage cluster water rocket climbs to new highs and clocks in two take offs that see it get to 787 and 810 feet respectively, launching into the distant sky and no doubt making their creators' bosoms swell with pride.

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Sometimes keeping it simple can be the most effective way and in this Flash animation a white canvas becomes the stage for morphing black lines that transform from bouncing balls to strange animals and black lines. It's a nice way to spend a few mins of your time.

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At the Smithsonian's "The Future is Here" conference some of the greatest minds of our age gathered together to discuss the innovations and glories of science and technology and look to their future. And, of course, to belt out a New Wave classic or two.

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Are you worried about actress Amanda Bynes? Does her crazy antics and troubled ways keep you up at night? Then you need to get a grip and stop giving a damn, because it's just not worth it. Follow the advice of this PSA and STOP CARING!

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It's Monday, your brain is probably still recovering from the weekend, so time to dive into some philosophy, namely epistemology, and look at what it means to "know" something. As Socrates said, "I know one thing: that I know nothing."

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Cats and gardening don't mix very well, if they're not trampling all over your freshly planted geraniums they're shitting all over your compost, or worst, like Simon's moggy, they're pooping in a hole dug for a new plant.

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No one wants to see Steven Spielberg cry, but that's what's going to happen if this guy isn't hired at DreamWorks immediately. Him and Spielberg go way, way back and all the proof you need to see how close he is to the big director is right here in this video, which is totally legit.

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Being an entrepreneur is all about empowering yourself to create a business that's right for you. It's about facing up and rising to different challenges, overcoming the day-to-day demands, learning and planning for the future. Find out more and submit your own story and you could be in with the chance to win a mentorship.

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Nick Offerman is a man's manly man man, who laughs like a school girl. And that alone should be enough to qualify him to be the go to man for romance tips, like making homemade cards and putting some nature on it to get your way to some coitus.

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In Nagasaki Bio Park are herds of capybara who love nothing more than to take a dip in the park's hot spring and make you go "awwww" and if you go to the park you can even get real close to these critters and overdose on cuteness. But just remember, they are rodents.

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Everyone's been going on about Apple's new operating system iOS7 which ditches the fake pine bookcases for a friendlier 2D style, but in all the commotion people have missed the new Mac unveiling. It looks delicious too.

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If you've got a hangover then it might be best to avoid this as it'll probably make you feel a bit queasy. But if you aren't and you want to know for next time why it feels like a pig shat in your head, then watch this. Turns out there are three things interacting to make you feel miserable.

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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of the great games in gaming history, so it's only right that your memories get corrupted along with the game itself, as the usually composed Link struggles to stay on his horse and gems like "You found The Fart!" are uttered.

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PlayStation rip the piss out of Microsoft and their lending game policy with this mock instructional video which is a step-by-step guide on how to lend games to your friends. Total burn on Sony's part, Microsoft must be feeling pretty stupid right now.

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As if Link didn't have enough to contend with, now his own shadow, Dark Link, is out to get him. But Link ain't going out like that, instead he steps up to the challenge to defeat this adversary. Plus there's a village to save and Link can't resist doing that.

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