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A supercell, for those too lazy to look on Wikipedia, is a thunderstorm which contains a mesocyclone (a persistently rotating updraft) so they spin round and they're basically truly awesome to behold. This beast looks like some kind of alien craft rotating across the landscape.

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We all know the internet is not the place to go to for a grammar lesson, and if you needed any proof of that other than YouTube comments, or any comments section, then here it is, presented to you in silly voices to add to the hilarity.

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Being a transgender teen must be hard enough, but then hitting the dating scene must make you want to curl up into a ball and hide. But while your cynicism would expect her to be ridiculed, instead she finds a boy who accepts her for who she is. Awww.

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If he keeps hitting her in the face with that ball she's gonna be so, so ...THUMP! Yep,he keeps hitting her, again and again, but before we all jump up on our moral high horses, let's remember the ball is lightweight. And kids don't need their brains anyway.

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It's not just Hollywood who can do live-action CGI-heavy comic book movies, Japan can kick some ass in that category too. You may know Gatchaman better as Battle of the Planets, yup, your childhood dreams have finally come true in this action-packed film. We all know it's going to be awful, but still.

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Ashton Kucher is... Steve Jobs! Yes, finally the trailer's here for the movie about Apple's tech messiah who changed all our lives forever with the iPhone. The film tells the story of Jobs' ascension from college dropout into one of the most revered creative entrepreneurs of the 20th century.

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Ashima Shiraishi is only 11 years old, but already she's a bit of a big deal in the rock climbing world, precisely because she's only 11 years old. She's a massive bouldering enthusiast from New York City whose strength for someone so young is beyond impressive.

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As Calculus projects go, this has to be up there with some of the bestest ever, as three teens deliver a rather entertaining version of Macklemore's Thrift Shop, by deciding to tackle it from a more mathematical approach. And it pays off, it pays off very well indeed.

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This summer is all about living in the fast lane of life. So as everyone with sense of style knows it’s a good idea to look good at speed. This year it’s all about the latest sunglasses and optics, and making sure you don’t go unnoticed while out cruising.

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You may've seen a lot of different videos that use the Matrix as inspiration, but incorporating it into a crazy dance routine, complete with breakdancing and robot style moves? All you can do is sit back and watch in awe.

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There's no patronising adverts full of over-zealous women rollerskating about in gleeful harmony with the world for Russian women, instead they like to see a bit more humor and action injected into their commercials. Just wait and see what happens.

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You might be someone who regards anime as having great, relateable characters who deal with serious issues that affect the world today, it may be the only sane voice in a world of madness. Doesn't matter, to your parents it all sounds like mind-rotting gibberish.

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Microsoft's chief of interactive entertainment, Don Mattrick finally does the decent thing and admits to the world Xbox one was a "flop". It's not often you hear a company admit something like this, so it's a remarkable thing.

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Russell Brand goes on MSNBC's Morning Joe program to promote his tour Messiah Complex where he scares the shit out of the anchors by talking about how the mass media is a sham and a distraction from the real issues. He totally owns them. Go Brand.

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If you wanted to see Professor X getting his groove on, then here he is on that lost year of his life where he become a corrupt policeman whose moral boundaries are on existent, so it's a life of drug taking and stealing his colleagues wives to get his promotion.

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