Project Sausage Drone
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Remember 2009’s “Slap Chop Rap� If you do then you’ll also be glad that the mashup artist DJ Steve Porter has created a very addictive hook out of the jubilant sounds of these winter sports fans who turned up for the start of the skiing season at the Obergurgl-Hochgurgl ski resort.

In the latest episode of their ;100 Kids' series, HiHo asks a group of 100 kids of all different ages to do their best impression of their parents. And, well, as you can imagine they are pretty hilarious, and some are pretty shocking to.

Dr. J. Steven Abernathy from Jonesboro, Arkansas digitally added himself to clips from the original Star Wars film to create this hilarious promo video his laser dentistry services. The floss is strong with this one.

BBC Earth just released this insane 5-minute sneak peek at Blue Planet II, an upcoming nature series narrated by Sir David Attenborough, It's a sequel to 2001's The Blue Planet and features a soundtrack collaboration by Radiohead and Hans Zimmer.

Before the millennials that we have today, there might have been a proto-millennial, the first millennials if you like. And this sketch imagines what they might be like it they existed back in the Garden of Eden—and they're just as annoying as today's millennials.

Great Big Story visits the studio of Denver-based sculptor Landon Meier to check out his incredibly lifelike hand-made "Hyperflesh" masks of polititions, celebrities, and nightmare-inducing children

'You've got to be sh*tting me!' A Colorado Springs family has spent weeks trying to find and stop a mystery woman they've called 'The Mad Pooper' to stop defecating in their neighborhood, right outside their house.

Do you have trouble decoding the often mysterious and often confusing hints and ways of women? Like the way 'It’s fine' means that it definitely is not fine? This hilarious video should help as it reveals what women really mean.

Once upon a time, there was a 1,100-page book called IT. Then there was a TV miniseries based on the book. (And now there's a feature-length film). CineFix breaks down the changes you can expect to see between the book and miniseries.

Adam Schleichkorn celebrates the upcoming season 9 premiere of Larry David's HBO comedy series, Curb Your Enthusiasm, with this funny mashup of SpongeBob and Squidward as they reeneact the 'empty gesture' scene from the seventh season of the show.

News Be Funny have put together this entertaining and amusing clip compilation of the best and funniest bloopers that happened during live news coverage of Hurricane Irma.

Shot with a GoPro, this guy went skiiing and then, because the world didn't know it needed it but it so did, he then stabilized the video on his nipple. Back in the past people thought the 21st would bring flying cars, but no instead it's brought us this.

Russian YouTube user Dexturt provides a thorough, thoughtprovoking, and heartwarming analysis of a viral photo of a cat sitting next to a big plate of pancakes (aka blin in Russian).

Holy crap this is fast. 15-year-old teen Patrick Ponce just set crazy new world record for solving a Rubik's cube, in an insane 4.69 seconds—but it's not something that can be done with a regular Rubik's, Ponce uses a Boron Valk M which has 48 neodymium magnets.

Over in England recently, due to parliamentry clock Big Ben closing down for repair work, and ceasing to go 'bong', an 8yo girl went on British television stating she wanted the job of imitating Big Ben's bongs. And, of course, someone on the internet turned it into a remix.