Check this out!

It's quite remarkable what a few carefully placed pixels and some bleeping can do to a film—just through those simple additions, the family-friendly Pixar animation Up becomes an R-rated, filth-laden swear fest.

Sure, you might think this is pretty cool, but just wait until it gets to around the two minute mark and then the mindfuck really begins as you look at your computer screen in awe, while your colleagues wonder just WTF is it you're watching.

The exacting power that encompasses fighter jets is pretty damn badass and this video shows these incredible machines in all their glory—so experience the wonder of these magnificent vehicles as you watch the top ten flyby low passes.

In Terry Gilliam's new weird and wonderful movie, a reclusive computer genius riddled with existential angst works on a mysterious project aimed at discovering the purpose of life—the film forms the third part of a trilogy that also features Brazil and Twelve Monkeys.

This is two minutes of pure sophistication and maturity of the highest order—nah, not really, but what did you expect from a video titled Here's My Poo? Because if you expected a song featuring a little girl running around covered in poo, then you'd be right.

Jimmy Kimmel takes his Lie Witness News to SXSW making up band names (Contact Dermatitis, Willie Nelson Mandela) and asking the people there what they think of them—and lo, these non-existent musicians get great feedback. Who'd a funk it?

If you ever wanted to freak out your partner or upset the kids, then this is a great thing to do when they're out: turn yourself into a strange-looking cat and then jump out at them from the shadows at they enter the house. Guraranteed megalolz.

It's not right that teenagers of the world must suffer while you sit anywhere you like and watch the best TV shows from the comfort of your laptop or tablet—so why not make a difference and help end the needless boredom that many young adults have to endure.

Trying to find logic in the world of video games is an exercise in the most futile of futilicious exercises, but that doesn't mean it's not fun trying—so sit back and nod your head in approval as the Mario Kart franchise deals with some home truths. #blueshells

As the video states, Oreo's are part of a healthy and nutritious breakfast, but do you know how they get disassembled and processed into raw materials for use in, erm, all kinds of stuff! No? Well it's time you found out.

You might subscribe to the school of thought that Die Hard is pretty much the perfect action movie and can't really be improved upon—but that's probably before you saw this version starring the greatest dog actor of them all, Pug Willis.

Hey, this is Daniel Ricciardo and he's here to do some explaining along with his bud Sebastian Vettel— the new F1 rules for 2014 are some of the most complex the sport has ever seen, so don't beat yourself up if you've not understood them yet. That's why this video's here, which also gives a unique glimpse of the tech at inside this year's cars.

Is there any other way to visualize dubstep? If there is, then it's not worth hearing about it—because what's better than fire and dubstep, together, it's got danger, it's got music that annoys 50% of the population of earth and it's way better than the iTunes music visualizer.

You don't always need instruments to play music, you know—you could just empty your cupboards of their glasses and cooking pans and you could jam on those instead. Trouble is you need talent to do that, fortunately this guy has lots of it.

It doesn’t matter if it’s your pet, you, your girlfriend, or even a chimney, farting is intrinsically hilarious and this humorous video featuring guffing gas flares proves it. But behind the flatulence lies not a late night curry but a serious message about fracking. That aside, these anti-fracking chimneys will have you giggling like a school kid.