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So what would happen if Pokemon's Cerulean City was suddenly named host city instead of Brazil in the 2014 World Cup? Well it would be a totally different tournament with no top goals, moments or highlights.

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If a random stranger walked up to you with a camera looking like they were going to take a selfie with you, you'd probably act exactly like these people would—freaked out, intrigued and highly bemused.

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Forget about your Xbox or your PlayStation, this is the future of interactive entertainment and all you need to partake is a pen and a bug and some time on your hands—it'll be a cheap Christmas present that's for sure.

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Tomáš Moravec has a much cooler way of getting around town than you do. Not content with walking or cycling he uses a modified wooden pallet to glide along tram lines. And just look at him cruising along in his hometown of Bratislava, Slovakia while giving zero f*cks as people stare at him thinking “wut?”.

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There are filmmakers we all love and cherish and then there's Michael Bay, whose visual style is pretty distinct—this video explores exactly what makes his movies so full of Bayhem, noting the style of camera movement, composition and editing that creates something overblown, dynamic and distinct.

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For many movie fans, Chronicle was a breath of fresh air for the superhero genre, so naturally Hollywood ignored its surprising box office and impressive word of mouth and went right back to throwing spandexed superheroes through buildings. But it still has sins and plenty of them.

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You've may've taken a trip to the playground with a moped and jumped on the roundabout and let someone spin it with the wheel of the moped, but you may like to refrain from serious injuries so you may've avoided it. No such luck for these idiots.

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The world's been waiting for this for a long time, but finally it's here as Nic Cage performs experimental composer John Cage's 4'33", which is basically 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence. Life-changing.

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A tour guide shows what you can do with a 'real image' on a giant concave mirror that's on show at the Exploratorium in San Francisco—watch in awe as the guide demonstrates the weird properties of this bizarre object.

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If any day of the year gives you an excuse to be patriotic and makes the bosom swell with pride to be ‘Murrican, it's the 4th July. So belt out the anthem along with 1,000 high school students singing over 18 floors of a hotel in Kentucky.

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CGI Effects are amazing, mind-blowing, and all over the place in Hollywood. But it's amazing what can, and has, been accomplished without the aid of a computer. Here's a list of the 10 best Practical Effects in movie history, some are classics, some are surprisingly contemporary.

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Painstakingly stitched frame by frame, "Tharsis Sleeps" follows a band of post-Earth humans attempting to terraform a new planet for human habitation. As is obvious from the first second the dark and distorted track hits the ear, things go awry for our heroes.

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Rob Cantor perfectly imitates a whole range of celebrities all while singing an original song he made—he even does female voices incredibly, including Billie Holiday and Gwen Stefani, he even does Flipper the dolphin.

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Prepare yourself for a revolutionary new subgenre of EDM, Leather Hau5, headed up by none other than musical innovator and all round visionary made flesh The Fat Jew. This is gonna change your life. For three minutes.

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It's a Portal-style homage to Game Of Throne, as the turrets from the video game sing the theme to everyone's favorite TV show about dragons and violence and sex and magic—and it's all rather grand.

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