Check this out!
The legendary Playboy Mansion, home to Hugh Hefner and his harem takes in trials biker Danny MacAskill who jumps and hops his way around the place, coming across bikini-clad Bunny Girls in the process.
Back in the 80s hacking, at least according to Hollywood, was pretty ridiculous but also incredibly awesome—for instance, if you wanted to create a beautiful lady from nothing just like in Weird Science, Crypto-Smasher V3.10 was your go-to software.
Tell it where you want to go and the car does the rest—you just sit in the back reading a newspaper while it automatically takes the right turn, stops nicely for a red light and effortless differs from dangerous obstacles—meanwhile all around you is total chaos.
This iFly trainer must love his job, because he gets to fly about like Spider-Man and be a total badass, and he probably spent hours mastering these techniques so he flies through the air like the webslinger.
If you want to score some easy money off your friends, then why not try out some of these tricks on them, and make sure they bet lots and lots of money, then run off with the winnings and live happy ever after. The end.
'Skin' documents the life of Martyka Brandt, a member of New Zealand’s largest and most notorious gang, the Mighty Mongrel Mob. In a gang comprised predominantly of Maori and Pacific Islanders, Martyka was one of the few Pakeha members who joined the gang in the early '70s. This is his story.
This guy faked his way into a bunch of the biggest festivals on the planet as a press photography to capture his favorite bands—but then the twist in the story is that after sending some footage to the bands, he gets asked to go on tour as their official photographer. You see, dishonesty pays!
They seem to be releasing quite a few trailers for the new TMNT movie, one a month if feels like—and with each one we get to see more and more of the turtles and with Bayhem attached it's guaranteed to be full of action, but whether it'll be any good we'll have to wait and see.
For the extra lazy amongst us who can't be bothered to put one foot in front of the other when we rollerskate,comes RocketSkates, which are electric, motorized skates that communicate with one another to maintain the same speed.
The Brazil World Cup was great fun, but that doesn't mean to say it can't be improved by adding in some post-production lolz to some of the most defining moments from the tournament.
If you were asked to name some movies with cats in, apart from the obvious ones, you'd probably struggle—but after watching this you'll realise they're in loads of films, just like they're all over the frikkin' internet.
Screen Junkies take aim at Shailene Woodley's young adult film which is basically a Hunger Games rip-off, which is itself basically a Battle Royale rip-off, and the familiarity of the premise really confuses the poor Honest Trailers voice-over guy.
Imagine, if you will, if the feuding families of Westeros put down their weapons and instead threw their hands in the air and went raving—if such a thing could occur then it might sound something like this.
This is probably the closest thing to Star Trek's 'Holodeck' we've got—using a wireless Oculus Rift and motion tracking technology people are able to visit virtual worlds, but it's not quite like the Holodeck just yet.
YouTuber Paradise Decay has rendered the entire first Star Wars movie in the blocky graphics of mega-popular game Minecraft—it's no doubt a daunting undertaking, but the results look pretty awesome, so well worth the man hours.