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It looks like the directors of these movies ate the brown acid at Woodstock all those years ago, or at least their parents may've done. So lap up some of the trippiest movies ever -- no doubt they've missed out some of your favs, but have at it. Make sure you double-drop some psychedelics beforehand too.

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Getting down on one knee to propose just doesn't cut it any more, now if you really want to make an impression you need to do something a little different. Take this guy, he made a spoof movie trailer of him and his girlfriend's romance. Way to make life harder for the rest of us you jerk.

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If you've been following Dexter then you'll pants will probably be wet in anticipation of the 7th season, and if you haven't seen any Dexter then you have until 30th September to catch up on six season. Get to it.

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This will be a hard video to not like, to hate on it you'd need to have a deep-rooted dislike for hot Asian women dancing around in tiny shorts and skirts. And there can't be many of those people around, if any.

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Daym Drops gives his straight up review of the salty, sweet, and umami flavors of a Five Guys cheeseburger. He be liking the crunchy fries that bite back and the burger with strength -- he be liking it a lot, m'mmm.

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Not quite sure what's going on here, but it seems a marching band is going about kicking people's pets and abducting others which all ends in bloody, gruesome carnage as the dogs get savage revenge. For what? It's anyone's guess.

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Disney Research have figured out a way to clone human faces so they can have more realistic animatronics at their theme parks. So far so good, but has anyone seen Westworld? We know how this is going to end: badly.

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We all need a sofa to sleep on at some point, somewhere safe for the night – But just remember there’s a chance that homicidal clown will stalk you, especially if you turn off the TV. So next time you find yourself crashing on a friend’s sofa, you’ll think of this video and you won’t get a wink of sleep. Guaranteed.

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Documentary about self-made activists who infiltrated the pharmaceutical industry to help identify promising new drugs, enabling them to move from experimental trials to patients. Using archival footage from the '80s and '90s this film tells their story.

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In case you weren't aware, Captain Planet is a hero and he's gonna take pollution back to zero. So now you're aware of the facts, lap up this fanmade trailer that puts a live action spin on the 90s cartoon which was good, but not as good as The Centurions.

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NASA have recently landed the rover Curiosity on Mars, but what about the red planet's future? Will we eventually make a home there? Who knows, but this short from a group of VFX students ponders the possible terraforming of our planetary neighbour.

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If you're familiar with Kutiman's Thru-You project then you'll know the drill here. Musicians and chancers from across the world interprete Goyte's hit which gets remixed together for a jolly, good old fashioned internet sing-a-long.

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This is a story that will tug at the hearts of all men throughout the world, it's a tale of sorrow, of overwhelming grief as a man tries to come to terms with the devastating fact that one day he woke up to find his girlfriend's tits had disappeared.

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Listening to music is just like doing a line of coke. Well kinda, as according to this video the sound frequencies affect your brain and body in a similar way to how cocaine does. So it turns out we're all drug addicts.

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Talk about showing off, Jeez. And the thing is, this isn't even the end goal for them, they're not just mucking around in a wind tunnel for the fun of it, they're training for the real deal when they go skydiving, freeflying, BASE jumping, wingsuit flying, swooping, and speed riding.

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